The Christian Brothers (verduidelijking)

"The Christian Brothers" is samengesteld uit ten minste 2 verschillende auteurs, onderscheiden door hun werken.

Over de Auteur


The Christian Brothers (onbekend)

First steps in Irish 3 exemplaren
De La Salle Fifth Reader (2011) 1 exemplaar
Patterns of Promise (1968) 1 exemplaar

Algemene kennis

The name "Christian Brothers" has been used by two different religious communities involved in Catholic education.

1) "Institute of Brothers of the Christian Schools," aka De La Salle Christian Brothers, Lasallian Christian Brothers, or French Christian Brothers. Founded in 17th c. France by St. Jean Baptiste De La Salle.

2) "Congregation of Christian Brothers," aka Edmund Rice Christian Brothers, or Irish Christian Brothers. Founded in 19th c. Ireland by Bl. Edmund Rice.