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Werken van The Hindu

The Hindu Speaks on Management - Vol II 1 exemplaar, 1 bespreking
The Hindu Speaks on Management - Vol I 1 exemplaar, 1 bespreking


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The "Question Corner" column published in the Science and Technology pages of The Hindu since 1995 is one of the widely read features of the paper. It appeals to the general public interested in science and students alike and this can be gauged by the keen interest readers take in both raising questions and answering them. The feature is by design aimed at addressing phenomena that one encounters everyday. While it encourages the enquiring mind of the general reader, it promotes a scientific temper in the young.
An overwhelming response from our readers to the earlier book "The Hindu Speaks on Scientific Facts", a compilation of questions and answers that appeared in "Question Corner" column has reconfirmed the place such a book will have in the public mind. We are sure that this second volume, like the earlier one, will serve as a ready reference for all.
Apart from being a compilation of questions that cover many areas in science, this book contains a select number of articles written by Dr. D. Balasubramanian, a well known molecular biologist with the LV Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad, and a popular science writer for the "Speaking of Science" column published in the Science and Technology pages. He was also a former Director of the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad. These articles address some of the fundamental issues in life sciences and will always be relevant. We hope the list of Nobel Prize winners during the century will serve as a reference material.
This book, Volume II on Scientific Facts, is broadly divided under the following heads:
- Earth Sciences (Atmosphere, Geology, Hydrology)
- Life Sciences (Botany, Zoology, Health and Medicine)
- Physical Sciences (Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry)
- General (Applied Science and Technology)
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rajendran | Jul 31, 2008 |
The traditional way of managing -- to organise, coordinate, command and control -- is changing as the business target keeps moving with greater expectations from the customers, introduction of newer technologies and events and people do not always conform long enough to be planned and controlled. The ways and means of management, therefore involve continual experimentation with new approaches to old and new problems. Good managers are not born, they are made. They are fashioned by experience of business and the realities of the workplace. They grow in stature and managerial skill largely from their encounters with people and problems.
The Hindu, through its news and features has been keepings its readers informed of the developments and changing trends in management. The advances and changes in management are rapid and significant especially during the past few years. We had carried over 500 features relating to this subject. This compilation of 75 items is the pick of the lot. They have been presented for ease of study and reference in five sections namely, Management, HRD, Finance, Manufacturing, Marketing.
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rajendran | Feb 10, 2008 |
The Hindu Speaks on Management - Volume II is a compilation of articles which have been published in The Hindu during the past five years, dealing with different facets of the changing world of management. This volume is a sequel to our earlier publication on Management which was brought out in Feb 1996.
rajendran | Feb 10, 2008 |
rajendran | Feb 24, 2007 |

