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This was an enticing recorded lecture about the spirit of the Vedas. The speaker passionately delves into how we all need to find our inner fire and stop seeking inspiration from external sources. He references the beginning and ending was passages of the Rig Veda as being examples of the spirit of the Vedas. I came away from this recording really interested into driving into the Vedas
BlackAsh13 | Apr 16, 2021 |
'Inner Quest' is a book for anyone who is seeking something that is `missing' in one's life, in spite of a `successful' life with all material possessions and satisfying relationships. In spite of worldly happiness, one may experience an inner disquiet which keeps on growing. One may not know what he/she is seeking. Scant answers can be found from many sources, but the seeker is not satisfied and wants to know more. This is the beginning of the inner quest.

The book gives a plan based on the Himalayan tradition. Step-by step practice leading to a spiritual journey and inner calm can help the seeker find answers. Daily practice of breathing exercises, meditation, self-awareness and study of scriptures are all suggested. Power of will and determination will make the journey easier. The practice is not difficult, but there should be a commitment to it. Realizing one's true identity comes from spiritual revelation, which is the goal of the practice.

The book describes a very serious subject in lucid, readable style. The whole book is in a question and answer form, so it is easy to go back to a question to re-read the answer. The answers do become clearer after reading more than once.

Spiritual path and sainthood are broadly defined in Eastern philosophy. Every step in the right direction takes one closer to the desired goal. The goal of all goals is ecstasy of the spirit.
uma1 | Jan 18, 2012 |
The unfoldment of sakti, the power inherent in the core of our being, is the key to all worldly and spiritual success. All spiritual traditions, particularly tantra, aim at awakening this dormant power within us. Because it is so vital to our inner growth, without having an in-depth knowledge of the role of sakti, the study and practice of any spiritual tradition is like farming barren ground.

The subject matter of this work, while seemingly focused only on sakti, nevertheless opens doors to a vast range of tantric philosophy and practices. It clarifies how tantric philosophy and practice unify the concepts of yantra, mandala, mantra, chakra, kundalini, deities, and ritualistic and meditative practices. It also explains the relationship among the different branches of tantra and tackles the controversial issues concerning the right- and left-handed tantric practices.
Saraswati_Library | Jul 2, 2010 |
This book explores the lives of eight Himalayan sages who held the distilled wisdom and power of the world’s spiritual traditions. These sages belonged to a universal tradition that emphasizes the direct experience of truth, one not limited by bounds of religion, nationality, geography, era, or race. Pandit Tigunait recounts stories and recorded dialogue that bring the experiences of these sages to life. These eight Himalayan masters knew how to live with success and health in the world while experiencing the innermost truths of existence. Learning about their lives will give you the practical insight you need to find your own way to such wisdom and truth.
Saraswati_Library | Jul 2, 2010 |
From Library Journal:

Head of the Himalayn International Institute, Tiguanit offers a clear, calm, open guide to Tantric practices that are often shrouded in mysterious language; mantras, chakras, and symbolic hand-gestures are all clearly explained and illustrated. This primer is perhaps as good a printed guide to esoteric Hindu practice as the uninitiated Western seeker can hope to find. For larger collections.
Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc.


"Pandit Rajmani is perhaps the most important teacher of Tantra in America today. His work is both practical and accessible, while maintaining a deep spiritual and meditative vision. His insight is original and creative but in harmony with lasting traditions and proven teachings. TANTRA UNVEILED is an inspiring work that shows the reader the keys to mind-body transformation, to a personal and spiritual unfoldment that integrates our full human potential." -- -David Frawley, author of Yoga and Ayurveda

"Tantra Unveiled is a most valuable addition to the literature on Tantra. It combines excellent scholarship with an initiate's firsthand knowledge of the subject. Through many colorful anecdotes of his own encounters with Tantric adepts, Pandit Rajmani Tigunait affords his readers a unique glimpse into the living heart of real Tantra. He also generously shares with them a precious practical ritual of the Sri Vidya school." -- Georg Feuerstein, Ph.D: Author of The Yoga Tradition, The Shambhala Encyclopedia of Yoga, ect; Director of Yoga Research Center

"Tantra...has for too long been portrayed as a religion of sexual excess...Pandit Tigunait clarifies these and other misconceptions in Tantra Unveiled...[His] level of erudition...hold[s] the reader's attention from beginning to end as he portrays an experiential path...The book is chock full of detailed information...a worthy addition to any numinous bookshelf." -- Dr. Robert E. Svoboda, BAMS Author, Aghora: At the Left Hand of God; Faculty, The Ayurvedic Institute
Saraswati_Library | Jul 2, 2010 |
The knowledge that enlightens the aspiring student into the mystery of life here and hereafter is the Tripura Rahasya. The text is one of the most significant scriptures in the tradition of tantra yoga. Its beauty lies in the fact that it expounds the lofty knowledge of inner truth while systematically offering practical instructions on sakti sadhana: the task of awakening the dormant fire within and leading it to higher awareness, or the highest chakra.

" It is a serious and scholarly work concerning an important but little-understood aspect of the teachings of India His book will make it easier for people to see Tantra as a path to God, rather that seeing it trivialized, as it has been Congratulations to Pandit Rajmani for making this worthwhile contribution available." -- Swami Kriyananda

" Pandit Tigunait's fresh translation of this extraordinarily inspiring classic places one of the great treasures of the East into Western hands. This text, like Yoga Sutras and Bhagavad Gita, merits the respectful attention of every student of yoga and meditation. In handle my own copy with reverence." -- Linda Johnsen author of The Living Goddess, Daughters of the Goddess and Meditation is Boring?

"Sakti: The Power of Tantra is not only useful to scholars but to anyone who wants a deeper view of Tantra and its unfoldment of the secrets of both psyche and cosmos. Such scholarship is badly needed and clears away many misconceptions about this important and beautiful system." -- David Frawley, author Ayurveda and the Mind, Tantric Yoga, and the Wisdom Goddesses, ect.
Saraswati_Library | Jul 2, 2010 |
The sacred word has been a universal source of wonder, excitement, and mystery throughout the ages. The yogic tradition calls mantra "the word which protects by being repeated." Connecting you to the Divine, mantras can transform your life. Making this 6,000 year-old esoteric science both accessible and practical, Pandit Tigunait explains the process of mantra initiation and how the use of mantra can bring about a sense of peace and spiritual unfoldment.
Saraswati_Library | Jul 2, 2010 |
Yoga is not just a physical exercise, nor is it a religion. Yoga is a philosophy of life and a systematic science that enables us to realize our true nature and experience our union with the Divine. Inner Quest weaves together hundreds of answers to the questions that well up from within our heart as we travel the spiritual path, including reincarnation, relationships, karma, death and dying, understanding the mind and more. To help us on our quest for self-realization, Pandit Tigunait draws on the knowledge he has gathered from the scriptures, from accomplished teachers, and from his own spiritual findings as well as his experiences with other seekers and students on the path.

About the Author:

A specialist in Vedic and tantric studies, Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, Ph.D., has lectured worldwide for more than two decades and is the author of over thirteen books and numerous articles. He is the Spiritual Head of the Himalayan Institute in Honesdale, Pennsylvania.
Saraswati_Library | Jun 21, 2010 |
This is a new and contemporary translation of one of India's most revered texts - The Katha Upanishad. Tigunait delights us with an understandable version of one of the most difficult texts of all religious traditions. The story is of a young boy who compels the Lord of Death to reveal the secret of what happens after we die. Tigunait's commentary and translation make this text ideal for anyone looking for inner growth and enlightenment.
Saraswati_Library | Jun 21, 2010 |
This is the autobiography of Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, Ph.D. Tigunait’s story is a compelling one, and vividly told. It follows him from his boyhood in Amar Garh, a traditional village in northern India, all the way to his current life as the spiritual head of the Himalayan Institute. This journey is full of twists and turns, and along the way the reader encounters many exotic and unfamiliar sights, sounds, and experiences. We meet Tigunait’s family, headed by a once-prosperous Raj Purohit (a religious teacher), who has seen his wealth dwindle in the face of political and social upheaval. We share in the author’s immersion into Sanskrit scriptures and his ongoing traditional education. Along with him, we meet a variety of saints and spiritual masters, who add to his understanding of the Divine Mother, teach valuable meditation techniques, lifestyle choices, and powerful mantras, and change the course of his life.
Saraswati_Library | Jun 21, 2010 |
Tigunait presents a riveting and enlightening biography of the master he loves and respects, interweaving the story of Swami Rama's life, philosophy, and experiences with the wisdom of the masters throughout the ages. For devotees and practitioners of yoga or Eastern meditation, there is much to digest: Swami's place in India, his contribution to hatha yoga, his seemingly miraculous mind-body abilities, and his role as director of the Himalayan Institute in Pennsylvania. Tigunait reveals the contrasts in Swami's approach he is kind one day and seemingly harsh the next and shows how they are not so opposed to each other. As the disciple of the master Swami and his adopted son chosen to carry on his work, Tigunait, conveys the story with devotion and genuineness, sharing both his surprises and assurances. His regular contributions to Yoga International magazine and two doctorates lend weight to this biography. - Leroy Hommerding, Fort Myers Beach P.L., FL - Copyright 2001 Reed Business Information, Inc.
Saraswati_Library | Jun 21, 2010 |
From Death to Birth takes us along the soul's journey from death to birth, dispelling the frequent misconceptions about this subject by revealing little-known but powerful truths. Through a series of lively stories drawn from the ancient scriptures and his own experience, Pandit Tigunait reveals what karma really is, how we can create it, why it becomes our destiny, and how we can use it to shape the future of our dreams. To make this understandable, he takes us through the journey after death, and explains the difference between rebirth, reincarnation, and divine birth. In the final story, we learn how we too can complete the three stages of the spiritual journey- from worldly happiness, to heavenly pleasures, to immortality.
Saraswati_Library | Jun 21, 2010 |
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