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Hari Singh Nalwa was the Chief Marshall of the Sikh Empire's Khalsa forces and one of the most fiercest warriors in world history who trumped and disbanded the Afghan Durrani Empire.

An European observer recorded in the 1881 edition of the foreign newspaper Tidbts:

"Some people might think that Napoleon was a great General. Some might name Marshall Hendenburgh, Lord Kitchener, General Karobzey or Duke of Wellington etc. And some going further might say Halaku Khan, Changez Khan, Richard or Allaudin etc. But let me tell you that in the North of India a General of the name of Hari Singh Nalwa of the Sikhs prevailed. Had he lived longer and had the sources and artillery of the British, he would have conquered most of Asia and Europe…."

But rarely has Nalwa achieved the acclaim owed to him. His premature death in battle enamored the British to increase their plans for conquering the Punjab and liberated the insidious Hindu Dogras to pursue their pernicious plans against the Khalsa.

Vanit Nalwa, his direct descendant, provides a factual biography of this colossal epoch-altering general based on a plethora of authenticated contemporary European and Indic sources. She furnishes never before seen information while also paying substantial attention to Nalwa's key military and realpolitik stratagems which made him such a radical victor.

Nalwa warred over 15 times and never lost a single war. His name would have been immortalized with that of Sherman had it not been for Sikhs shunning the responsibility of continuing his legacy. After all, he fought for them and none other.
Amarj33t_5ingh | Jul 8, 2022 |