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Various Author

Auteur van Ways of Dying (Stories and Essays)

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Werken van Various Author


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Book Title: Ways of Dying
Author: Various Authors
Format: Kindle

My Thoughts:
The term 'Anthology' originates from the Greek word anthologia, meaning a collection of flowers. In the world of literature, an anthology is a collection or a compilation of essays or stories or poems or plays or narrations or any other work of literature. It can also be said; an anthology is an ala-carte of great works brought into one book. In the modern world, an anthology of feature films and movies is also a known craft.

As an anthology is a collection of works from different authors and writers, the readers get a chance to know and read works of many authors at once. Well, there are pros and cons to the art of anthology. It is unlikely that al the stories or essays or whichever works form gathered from many authors will allure and entertain the readers. There may be disappointments as well as surprises for the readers.

In this connection, talking about this book, ' Ways of dying ', it is an interesting anthology. The ten stories present in the book are about ten different ways of death. Suppose one chapter talks about the assassination of a famous person, others talk about a personal loss. Moreover, the mindset, the thought process and the psyche of a person who witnesses or hears the death of a person is very well captured and presented in the individual stories.

There are some chapters which happen to be the translated ones from their originals languages. This is one of the advantages that a reader will get to know about the book or the author, but there are also some complaints in general that the translation works usually lose their soul.

How entertaining is the book?
The book is entertaining. As said, the book is a collection of 10 stories or excerpts from a book of well-known authors and their books. Books like this give a great glimpse of the author's work. It is also very much possible that a reader who might have missed reading a particular author's book or the author's work itself, can take the lead and pick up the original book. I found myself unaware about the author David Davidar and hence now I am ready with his works to read!

With interesting chapters that are picked up, this anthology by Aleph Publishers is undoubtedly an interesting book to read.

Final Verdict
An exciting collection of famous and important stories and essays of famous people


… (meer)
BookReviewsCafe | Apr 27, 2023 |

