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Werken van Erin Vere


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Floss has a dream : becoming an advocate, even if this profession is forbidden to women. But her plans are put aside when her niece is kidnapped by Goblins. To get her back, she has two options : she has to cross the Goblin’s Labyrinth or marry the Goblin King.

I am not gonna lie. I chose this book for the cover, without even reading the blurb. And I was really not disappointed. This book is great ! Everything from the atmosphere, to the characters and the constant humor is perfectly orchestrated. Erin Vere created a society vaguely inspired by the Victorian era, where not only women, but also magical creatures fight for equal rights and recognition.

Floss is a wonderful character. In a world dominated by men, she refuses to do what society expects from her. She wishes to be her own person and fight for the less privileged. I loved the fact that she is a normal person with her doubts, and fears, but also how she is open minded and ready to accept change. All the characters are complex and have a solid background explaining their actions.

I loved how magical creatures are everywhere in the novel. How to Train Your Goblin King is a retelling of various famous folktales and beliefs. And everything is perfectly incorporated in the story. How to Train Your Goblin King is extremely well written. It is a fantasy, but also a romance and an adventure novel. It was an incredible journey to the magical Realms and I cannot wait to read another book of the Lady Primlore Presents series.
… (meer)
BibliLakayAyizan | 1 andere bespreking | Sep 14, 2022 |
This was super fun. I loved the light-hearted tone and all the jokes; the hero was dreamy; and the gaslamp setting was a nice change from the usual fantasy kingdom. I liked the heroine for having ideals and strengths but also flaws that she’s willing to work on. Re: my cozy rating… Some things happen in the book that shouldn’t be cozy, but the tone is always so lighthearted and worry free that I consider this a cozy fantasy romance.
JaneBuehler | 1 andere bespreking | Jun 9, 2022 |


½ 4.5