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Bevat de naam: Dr. Paul Vickery

Werken van Paul S. Vickery


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Jackson-The Iron-Willed Commander by Paul Vickery was just published this week by Thomas Nelson Publishing. Vickery opens with Jackson’s inauguration on March 4, 1829. The scene he portrays is a tumultuous one, with the rough and tumble Jackson and his like-minded followers “invading” Washington’s elite society. It is an appropriate opening to this short biographical sketch of a man best know for his bold, everyman approach to life. The rest of the book proceeds as flashback to his childhood and military career.

Paul Vickery, Professor of History at Oral Roberts University, has written what can best be termed a short primer on Andrew Jackson’s military career, with the greatest emphasis placed on his defining battle in New Orleans at the close of the War of 1812. The 19 short chapters can be grouped together roughly as follows. 1-4 deal with his childhood as an orphan and his growth into turbulent manhood. He is presented as likable troublemaker who is quick to defend his honor with a duel. In chapters 5-11 we see his development into a leader of men and a competent military man. 12-17 deal with the build up, conflict, and aftermath of The Battle New Orleans, which took place on January 8, 1815. Finally, the last two chapters discuss his elevation to the presidency and his legacy.

In Jackson, Vickery strives to present his subject as a tough as nails, bold and decisive leader. “Scarred permanently as a child by the sword of a British soldier, Jackson grew into an unwavering leader, a general whose charisma and sheer force of personality called to mind those of George Washington a generation earlier.” The author wants to extend the aura of greatness that enshrouds the Founding Fathers over this next generation leader.

Vickery is clearly enamored with his subject, repeatedly using a variety of epithets such as “iron willed”, Old Hickory”, “inspiring” and “indomitable” . His Homerian tendencies make clear his wish that the reader recognize Jackson’s toughness and independence. He seems to equate this strength of character to America herself, as if Jackson was a metaphor for the maturing country. The general is not shown not so much as a tactical genius, but as someone whose own force of personality willed his armies to victory. The author regularly eschews details battle plans for anecdotes of Jackson’s individual acts of bravery and inspiration.

The current tendency in some quarters of American society to look at elders, the elite, or intellectual class with suspicion, and to celebrate both the young and the rough-and-ready everyman, has apparently influenced this author as well. Jackson seems a cipher for that mythological, self-sufficient American ideal. One can almost read this as the Founding Father’s giving birth to a nation and Jackson as the embodiment of it’s adolescent character. As such there are times when we wince at Jackson’s stubbornness, and rush to action; yet Vickery tends to downplay these occurrences as a parent might overlook the indiscretions of youth.

The author’s proclivity to minimize Jackson’s flaws may be appropriate when your teenager breaks curfew; it is less so when the subject in question is the head of the entire southern military of the United States. Because of this, the book reads less like an objective history and more like a well meaning propaganda piece. The reader understands that Jackson was a famously successful military leader. But one also knows he was a man, with flaws and faults. If the author chose to make his subject a bit more human, he would have become more sympathetic. Additionally, his writing style lacks subtlety. He continuously hits the reader over the head with his main thesis to the point where this reads more like a young adult history textbook from the early 20th century than a modern biography of an admittedly complex historical figure.

In the end, I found this book to be informative in terms of the history of the early United states, and I actually learned quite a bit about The Battle of New Orleans and the War of 1812. However, I don’t feel I know who Andrew Jackson was any more than I did before reading this book.
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ReaderWriterRunner | 2 andere besprekingen | Jul 27, 2021 |
Another good read in the "Generals Series"editied by Stephen Mansfield. Cand wait for the next one in the series - Jackson.
david__clifford | Feb 3, 2016 |
Excellent overview of Jackson's life and the War of 1812. I did feel taht the author gave ever so brief a hint of Jackson's spiritual life in the last chapter. I wished he would have instead revealed a tapastry of his spiritual journey that lead him to join the Presbyterian Church late in life.
david__clifford | 2 andere besprekingen | Feb 3, 2016 |
Dr. Vickery's prologue of his biography of Andrew Jackson, Jackson The Iron Willed Commander, begins with a description of the day of Jackson's inauguration as the seventh President of the United States. On March 4, 1829 history was made. Jackson was a southerner from humble beginnings . His achievements and accomplishments are legendary. And so, on this date a man of the people took office and thousands came to celebrate the occasion. Dr. Vickery work puts forth the history of Jackson's life based on information from a variety of sources.

"The early life of Andrew Jackson was marked by sorrow, hardship and poverty". His father died before he was born. He was raised by his mother and she saw to his education. However, he was not a stellar student . He was not known for being well read and his spelling was creative- to say the least. What he lacked in these areas he more than made up for in others. He understood people and was assertive. He was passionate and he was well known for his swearing. He was thirteen years old when he became a messenger for Major William Davie during American Revolution. By the time he was fifteen he had already been taken prisoner, survived smallpox, became an orphan and lost his brothers. These tragedies are in part the foundation that he used to build and develop his strengths which included tolerating pain and dealing with grief. He taught himself to overcome adversity . He believed sacrifice was necessary in the quest for freedom and he would require it of those who served under him as well as of himself. His military career included fighting in the War of 1812 where he fought the Creek Indians as well as his amazing prowess in New Orleans against the British. Loyalty to his troops and his motivational skills added to his many other leadership qualities. His troops loved him. Even though he had practiced law and served as a judge, it was his military career that defined him. Just as important as his love of freedom and country was his love of his wife , Rachel. He remained protective and devoted to her for her entire life.

Dr. Vickery has successfully written an excellent biography of Andrew Jackson. I found it to be objective and easy to read. Andrew Jackson's story is both motivational and inspiring. He is perhaps one of the most fascinating United State's Presidents. I highly recommend reading this book. There is a great deal to learn from doing so.

I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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SAMANTHA100 | 2 andere besprekingen | Jul 15, 2012 |



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