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Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
After reading this book, I have to admit, I felt guilty because I thought I needed to get my joy back, dealing with my 2 boys who have ADHD and one with mild autism. I realize that we are all on the tough parenting road together, and there is no point to compare, who has it "better" or "worse", but my heart went out to the author for her honesty, bravery, candidness and her grace. There are so many moms that give and give and give and they don't take care of themselves because their kids need them. I hope that anyone who reads this will go do a nice deed to help a mom who is overwhelmed (special needs kids or not) a break.
julesnstu | 5 andere besprekingen | Apr 17, 2016 |
Must Read for Special Needs Parents...

Working with special needs children in a classroom, I have often been amazed by the parents of these children. How do they do it? We teach them, help them, love them, and send them home at the end of the day. Often special needs parents are either with their children or at least "on call" 24/7. Laurie Wallin graciously opens up about life in her family with two special needs daughters and two other children, plus a husband who all need attention. How does she "do it all" without cracking, without resentment, without just plain giving up?

Through surveys and citing multiple authors, always tying into Biblical truth, Wallin makes some powerful assertions. We need to forgive in many areas. We need to grieve in a healthy way. We need to exhibit the grace and love to others that we so desire they show to us. And we can't forget gratitude!

Wallin speaks of forgiving continually. We must "forgive" God, since we know He could have made the special needs child different. We need to forgive the child her/himself, who is taking up so much of our time. We need to forgive churches who don't know how to help us, friends who may turn away, even family members, including spouses, who don't always help in the 'right' way.

We need to grieve, even rant at God, but then be honest with Him. Tell Him how you really feel, and then listen for His voice. Instead of accusing Him, ask how these situations can be used for His glory.

Give grace. To your special needs children, "ask God for eyes to see what He intended when He wired them that way." For the well-meaning professionals, who are suggesting something you've tried a dozen times already, give yourself grace. When you as a parent feel abandoned, left out, isolated, give grace to those causing it, because at the heart of it all, we all require grace.

Basically, Wallin seems to say, you can hold on to your bitterness,your anger, your resentment, or you can choose to forgive. You can choose to show grace, and look for areas in which you can show gratitude. It's up to you, and whether you choose to wallow in misery or to forgive and live in freedom.

I gratefully received this book from in exchange for an honest review.
Becky_L | 5 andere besprekingen | Aug 11, 2015 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
Practical and Biblical ways to continue an abundant life despite difficult circumstances from someone who has actually been there, with humor and honesty.
kenagurl | 5 andere besprekingen | Apr 27, 2015 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
In "Get Your Joy Back" Laurie Wallin talks abot the big things about raising special needs kids that are so often forgotten; keeping Mom sane and helathy. Here is the heart felt cry of parents having to deal with relative who don't understand, doctors that are clueless and all the other frustrations that parents have to put up with. This focuses not on parenting but on saving the parents mind so they can parent. This book is calming an would probably help parents that are feeling overwhelmed no matter what problems they are facing.
FCClibraryoshkosh | 5 andere besprekingen | Mar 12, 2015 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
If I had not received a free copy in return for a review through LibraryThing Early Reviewers, I'd immediately buy a copy. As a teacher I deal with not only the child, but the parents who desperately need help too and this book is one I will be recommending. The book's tone is welcoming, understanding, nonjudgmental, and inspiring. The readability level may be too high for some parents, but the format of the bullets and all capital letter topic titles will make it easier for their use for easy reading when one has only a few free minutes.
stacypilot | 5 andere besprekingen | Feb 19, 2015 |
I received this book in exchange for honest review. he book is about getting your joy back, when you have special needs kids., Brad has Autism and ADHD. Kalen has Autism; Global Developmental Delays; Sensory Processing Disorder; and Static Encephalopathy. The book teaches about letting go of anger and resentment, which I struggle with daily. I have to understand that I am not ok each day. I am tired of doing this special needs parenting alone with little to no physical support. I am sick of Brad screaming each morning because he has to get up and get ready for school. His constant screams because he doesn't care for soap or deodorant. The frustration, I feel, when Kalen bangs or slaps his head, when he doesn't get his way. The lack of sleep some days. Special needs parents have to find joy in the midst of constant chaos.
staciewyatt | 5 andere besprekingen | Feb 5, 2015 |
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