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Phillip Gelatt Aron Warner

Auteur van Pariah Issue #1

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Werken van Phillip Gelatt Aron Warner

Pariah Issue #1 (2011) 4 exemplaren, 4 besprekingen


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Full, non-spoiler review courtesy at Book & Movie Dimension a Blog

Let's start off first with the cover artwork for Pariah. Its amazing! Into the reading, readers are introduced to the 'thick of things'. Brent is giving a highly intelligent speech to his fellow classmatess in school for them to be completely bored. Safe to say unimpressed. Asthe isssue moves into a more ominous tone there is the added information that in the world of Pariah there are certain people designated as Vitros. Vitros from what is gathered are highlt detested. Making things hugely interesting because our main character is a Vitro.

In terms of characters , Brent, was very relateable. He's a smart individual in a world that doesn't reallly understanfd him. During, the issue he's approached by Anna, a girl,. that seems to want to try to connect with him but can't becaus eof their differing viewpoints of the world. It seems being Vitro makes for a personality difference with regular people. Found this concept very creative. For this reason Vitros are frowned upon when there is an attacked against regular non-Vitro humans in some labs. Everyone swears its connected to Vitros for sure. Meaning serious danger to Brent now that he's labeled an threat to regular peple.

Pariah has a very good rhythm is this first comic issue concerning the pace of the story. The characters are most present in their speaking dialogue and actions. Brent as a main character is for all good intentions a sort of sarcastic even at times cynical. Found it vastly endearing and relateable. There is this type of mind dialogue from Brent that keeps to himself whenever he’s acting on actions or interacting with others that’s overall fascinating. Further cements the idea of Vitros as a whole new type of human being and how they as people.

From the start, Pariah Issue #1 by Aron Warner was one of the issues released by Sea Lion Bookswas most interesting by which wasn’t bad at all despite being honestly short. While simple in its concept in many ways it’s original. Haven’t seen so far seen before. The artwork is something is something so attractive, All the facial expressions are uniquely rendered on page movement. Conception of characters all made nicely with gray , watery almost block style that is easy on the eyes, While the story was somewhat almost amazing, almost. The artwork was lovelier. If you are to get Pariah, your decision may well be led by at least the amazingly attractive artwork.
Overall: Touching read
For This Review: *Book Copy Provided by Publisher*

Overall: Touching read
Genre: Comic, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Recommend Ages: 15 and Up
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Cassandrabookblogger | 3 andere besprekingen | Dec 8, 2011 |
Set in Akron, Ohio - in the year 2025. Issue #1 introduces you to Brent Marks, who just wants normalcy. But he is a vitro. A vitro is a person who was cured of genetic disorder. Being cured has resulted in high intelligence. As of just recently all vitros are now considered dangerous and part of a terrorist cell.

Prior to reading it I hadn't heard of Pariah, but I'm glad I got a chance to check it out. I enjoyed both the characters and story. Pariah is both dark and funny. Brent Marks is captivating character. I loved the futuristic setting, it had me eager to learn more about this world. I thought the art was fantastic, I love the gritty feel to it.… (meer)
vampiregirl76 | 3 andere besprekingen | Oct 15, 2011 |
Aron Warner is the Academy Award®-winning producer of the animated blockbuster “Shrek” series. Mr. Warner joined PDI/Dreamworks in 1997 working as the producer on the animated film, Antz. He is currently in partnership with director Andrew Adamson in Strange Weather where they and partner Jeff Fierson are developing a slate of live action and animated feature films and television shows. He, producing alongside James Cameron, just wrapped the Untitled Cirque Du Soleil 3-D project, which was written and directed by Adamson. Pariah is his first graphic novel series...
Brent Marks is not a freak. He is one of the Pariah, a group of teens who become extremely intelligent after being cured of a genetic disorder. Although in most ways a normal teen, Brent is considered dangerous and is tracked down by the government who see these kids as an enormous threat. Can he evade them? What do they have planned for Brent and the others?
Pariah comics can be found in any comic book store near you by using the comic shop locator on this link, simply type in your zip code in the box indicated.
For those interested in watching the Pariah trailers:
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Sea_Lion_Books | 3 andere besprekingen | Sep 18, 2011 |
The story opens up with an "average" boy, Brent Marks, showing a presentation to his class that could possibly change their financial problems and lead them to a glamorous life. How awesome is that!? I would literally be on the edge of my seat listening to every detail this kid has to tell me about raking in the mulla! BUT! None of his classmates pay him any attention or show him any once of care. He is a speck of insignificance you might say. You see Brent is not so 'average.' Yes, he is a teenage boy who goes to school like the rest of the student body, and yes, he is part of the nerd herd, but he's also a Vitro.
Vitros are these group of kids that possess beyond human intelligence that was caused by genetic manipulation.
These Vitros where caused by the very society that disdain, mistrust, shun as well as later on in the story blame the Vitros for the cause of Marinus Laboratory to explode. An explosion that released a virus onto the population increasing casualties to the thousands. Practically genocide! Are the Vitros capable of doing such a thing? Are YOU capable of doing such a thing if you were a Vitro? Or were they framed?

I liked this issue, however, there was not much dialogue but more narration from Brent (what is in his mind; first person). I felt like it was empty or insufficient, lacking any meat to the story. There is a lot of potential for Pariah and I'm eager to see if there would be more in store in the second issue. And it was difficult to make a connection with any of the characters because there wasn't that much background to go on.
The use of unflattering characters (look wise) made it feel realistic. As well as the scenarios, though predictable, also helped in seeing/viewing it play out in real life. The art work is darker than what I'm use to, but it helps in setting the mood of the story.
I would like to know more about Brent seeing he is the protagonist. In this issue Brent didn't really exude anything that I could remember him for, a mark that would be worth remembering. I know this is just the first issue of 12 in store, but I usually like to get to know a little more about the characters right from the start to build a rapport with each character.
The ending was a bit upsetting because right when the action started to come along that's when it abruptly ended. It was seriously starting to get good, but instead of a tease, it was more like I got shot down. **Ow, that hurt**
It wasn't really a cliffhanger. It was more like "OH! He got caught - The End!" Would have been nice to go a few more pages to see where he gets taken to, or how is he going to get treated; something that would leave me thinking about it way after I've finished reading it.
I will be reading Pariah Issue #2 and I hope I will get to know more about Mr Brent Marks and his Vitro Power Smarts.
X-men + Heros + Ultra Violet = Pariah.

Thank you SO much to Sea Lion Books for giving me the opportunity to read Pariah!! =)
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TValeros | 3 andere besprekingen | Jul 16, 2011 |


½ 3.7