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This is a fantastic idea for grandparents to give their grandchildren. This is like a baby book for a grandparent to fill out on themselves that they can then give to their grandchildren. I think this is a fantastic book. I love the sayings and what you can tell your grandchildren. I received a copy of this book from Waterbrook Multnomah for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will.
Virginia51 | Sep 5, 2019 |
I've been trying to read to my kids as a nightly routine. With a 9-year-old and 12-year-old, the age gap can prove challenging. I'm hoping that by continually reading, praying and giving a kiss goodnight, I'll still have several opportunities, even in the teen years. I'm hoping... :)

The Daily Question for You and Your Child is a great way to end the day. It offers one question per page and has lines to allow written in answers. This would make a great keepsake if it's for one child. Looking back at previous journals, we've had some laughs over the answers they'd written. I have no doubt this book will be the same. It's a struggle to find writing prompts for kids' journals, so it's nice that this one not only has a good variety, but that the book covers three years!

The questions range from silly to thought-provoking. I think it's a good mix, especially for my kids. They won't always want to be serious. And I've found that no matter the age, from little ones to teenagers, they want to be heard. So asking questions is a great way to allow them to share their opinions on life. This is different from asking "How was school" to which I get the same answer each day: "boring". Oh good, I was hoping it would be since that's what I pay them bore you.

I digress...

This hardbound book is sure to last daily use. And the fun part is there's a slot in the front cover for a favorite photo or picture. So my kids can make this book their own. Now, this isn't something that solely has to be done at night. Any time of day would work. At breakfast? Sure! After school, before homework? Why not! I'd even recommend this to Sunday school teachers or Youth ministry workers as it gives questions that could easily be used as ice breakers or discussion makers for the group. This could be used as a time capsule in a way, to later be looked at and see how the kids have changed over the years.

I received a complimentary copy from the publisher (WaterBrook & Multnomah) in exchange for my honest opinion.
santaflash | 4 andere besprekingen | Oct 27, 2018 |
It's launch day for this great little book! We received this a few weeks ago. It is supposed to be you and one child, but we decided for all five of us to do it. This has been tons of fun. I thought that some of the questions were silly at first, but then I realized how interesting it would be to see your answers about simple things evolve over the years. I have also learned things about my children...things I wouldn't think to ask. One question was a talent they wished they had and one was something they wished they could learn to cook by themselves. We are doing the things. I'm even learning more about my husband. We do this at a meal time each day. All the girls look forward to answering the daily question.

We also had to write a story about a talking grapefruit together one day. We each wrote a line. It was pretty humorous.

"Once there was a talking grapefruit. It's name was Grapey Raisin. He worked in a politician's office. He had a dog named Fruity and a unicorn named Tooty. He married an eggplant named Tabatha and they opened a bistro in New York City.
StephCherry | 4 andere besprekingen | Sep 22, 2018 |
The Daily Question for You And Your Child is a wonderful resource for families. This small book packs 3 years of questions and conversation starters to track how your child grows in his perceptions of himself, his family, and his place in the world. I love the format — a brief prompt and then open space for your child’s responses. Arranged to be used daily, this book will not only open conversations today, but will be a treasured memento for the future. Here are just a few of the questions/thoughts to ponder:

If you could travel to the past where would you go?

Do you enjoy big storms? Why or why not?

What makes you a good friend?

If yo were a pirate, what would be in your treasure chest?

Some prompts will open up laughs, while others will go deeper into your child’s beliefs, fears, and dreams. The book is designed for one on one between parents and child, but I think it can easily be adapted for a whole family experience.


Audience: children and parents.

(Thanks to Waterbrook Multnomah for a complimentary copy. All opinions expressed are mine alone.)
vintagebeckie | 4 andere besprekingen | Sep 19, 2018 |
The Daily Question for You and Your Child: A Three Year Spiritual Journey from Waterbrook Publishers offers parents an easy way to preserve precious memories and observe how their child changes over a three-year period.

Each page features a question at the top which is followed by three separate writing spaces (one for each year). Each space has five blank lines for the year's answer. Most of the time, five lines is plenty of space. The only time there wasn't enough space for me was when it asked the child to make up a short story.

Yu can start in any year as there is space to fill in the year number. The questions stand-alone so you can start on any day of the year. In some instances, the questions are naturally themed with the season. For example, December has questions about Christmas.

Not all questions have a spiritual theme, but some do. Example Questions: How does God communicate with you? What do you think heaven will be like? I think most protestant Christians will find the questions vague enough that they do not correlate with any particular religious sect.

I have been filling out this journal with my six year old and she enjoys it. She always asks for more than one question and I often oblige. I feel like the journal is probably most appropriate for elementary age children and older. For example, I saw one question that asked, What advice would you give to a kindergartener? That's hard to answer unless you are at least in first grade.

I like that this is a hardcover book as three years of daily use is bound to take its toll eventually. I do wish it had built-in bookmark. I recommend The Daily Question for You and Your Child to any Christian parent who desires to deepen communication with their child and preserve memories of the fleeting childhood years.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
BeautyintheBinding | 4 andere besprekingen | Aug 22, 2018 |
I received this book from WaterBrook in exchange for my honest review.
When I first glimpsed at the cover of this book, The Daily Question for You and Your Child, then read the description, I thought this is the perfect book for either me to share with my grandchildren or to give to my daughter. After looking at it I still feel that way.
This is a 3 year journal which has 365 questions in it. The pages are like diary entries with a each day having a place to put a response for each of three years. I think this is wonderful as children can change their responses each year when asked.
Some of the responses involve writing a short story about an object, or to say what makes them feel a certain way, like joyful. There are also questions about their creativity or telling about traditions. This is just a tiny bit compared to what else this book has in it. I wish I had a book like this when my children were small, but I am so glad it is available today.
For parents, grandparents or those that care for children I feel this is a special way to spend some one-on-one time with a child in your life.
I highly recommend it.
ksnapier | 4 andere besprekingen | Aug 16, 2018 |
Would make a nice gift for Christians.

(Full disclosure: I received a free copy of this book for review through Blogging for Books.)

I have a bit of an addiction to journals, even though I don't write nearly as often as I should/mean to. That said, 30 Days to Joy isn't something I'd normally buy for myself, since it's explicitly geared towards Christians. So, grain of salt.

As the title implies, 30 Days to Joy is unusual, as far as journals go, in that it's meant to be completed in a month (although there's nothing stopping you from taking as long as you want; while each exercise is labeled "Day 1," "Day 2," and so on, you could just as easily pencil in the date next to it, if you prefer). Each day features a different prompt that encourages you to reflect on the topic of "joy," whatever that means to you.

Examples of this include:

* How is joy different from happiness?

* In pencil, write those things that most frequently steal your joy. Next, in a colorful pen or marker, write ways you can choose joy in those situations.

* If joy were a person in your life, who would it be and why?

* Write down and illustrate a quote or Bible verse that brings you joy.

As you can see, the exercises featured are a mix of secular and Christian prompts, with the majority skewed secular. However, most of the quotes peppered throughout the book are explicitly Christian, including a fair number of Bible verses. For this reason, I wouldn't even assign the more general "New Age" or "spiritual" labels to this book; it's really just meant for Christians, which is kind of shame, because we could all use more joy in these dark times, don't you think?

Aesthetically, the book is pleasing to the eye; the interior color theme is red and white, making this a great Christmas gift. The cover has a rich, textured feel, which is undercut a bit by the large white sticker containing copy placed on the back cover.

The dimensions of the book are small, which normally bugs the heck out of me - but the book is thin enough that it's easy to write in. There's enough room to respond to each prompt, too.

Great idea, though the execution isn't for everyone.
smiteme | Nov 22, 2017 |
Best suited to practicing Christians.

(Full disclosure: I received a free copy of this book for review through Blogging for Books.)

30 Days to Peace is a bit of a short-term project, as far as journals go; as is evident from the subtitle, users are intended to work through its thirty prompts in a month (although nothing's stopping you from taking a more leisurely pace with the exercises). Each prompt is focused on one aspect of peace: for example, how you define peace, how you find peace, what signals your body gives to indicate that it is or is not at peace. Though I usually take a much more scattershot approach to jounaling - writing whatever comes to mind - I can appreciate the benefits of a more focused path. Meditation on a single narrow topic is likely to promote enhanced understanding.

What I didn't particularly care for is the journal's explicitly Christian focus. Between the Galatians 5:22–23 quote featured on the book's listing at Blogging for Books and the publisher (Waterbrook is the Christian imprint of Crown Publishing), I really should have known better. Actually, that first did give me pause, but I decided to give the journal a try anyway, since it was free for review and all.

The result is kind of a mixed bag. It wouldn't even be accurate to shelve this journal under the more general label "spiritual," since the Bible pops up in many of the quotes and illustrations that pepper the book. That said, only five of the thirty prompts explicitly mentions God or the Bible; and only one is necessarily specific to the Christian faith (i.e., the Bible prompt). So I'd say that 30 Days to Peace is best suited to practicing Christians, and perhaps spiritual New Age types too. Which is a shame, because I think we all could use a little more peace in our lives, whatever our religious identity may be.

As far as the book's design goes, it's a little on the small side, at 5 3/4" by 7 1/4". Usually this drives me bonkers, but the book is rather thin and thus not terribly difficult to write in. (When you've got a small but fat book, your hand ends up falling off the bottom off the page about a third of the way down. Not fun.) The pages aren't lined, ostensibly for doodling and more free-form/artistic writing. The book itself is lovely, with a soothing and richly textured cover design. The pages are mostly white with green illustrations, adding to the spa-like feel.
smiteme | Nov 7, 2017 |
A little more secular than expected.

(Full disclosure: I received a free copy of this book for review through Blogging for Books.)

- 3.5 stars -

A journal subtitled "My Five-Year Spiritual Journal" isn't something I'd normally pick up, being an atheist and all. And probably this same quality also means I'm not the best person to review The Daily Question. So, grain of salt and all that jazz.

Two out of three of the sample questions on Blogging for Books seemed secular enough, so I decided to give it a try. And while there are some overtly religious (read: Christian) prompts - "How does Jesus love people through you?"; "How has God tangibly shown love to you this week?"; "What in Scripture are you grappling with these days?" - most are much more general and applicable to people of all faiths (or none). In fact, it feels a lot like another five-year, guided journal I reviewed called Q&A a Day: 5-Year Journal ... just with a few Christian-themed questions sprinkled in here and there.

In fact, many of the same issues I had with Q&A a Day are applicable here, too: the dimensions of the journal are small, just a tick over 4"x6". But it's very thick (1 1/4"), which makes writing anything below the top third of the page very difficult (your hand just kind of falls off the cliff edge to flop around awkwardly). Each page provides space for five answers - one a year over five years - which is cool. But the lines are very cramped and don't leave a whole lot of room for elaboration. A more generously sized journal would be so much nicer, don't you think?

I do like the design of the cover - it's hardcover, with a rich and soothing texture to it - and the bookmark ribbon is a nice touch. The prompts are engaging and varied, though devoutly religious users may desire more Biblically-inspired items. I counted this as a positive but, as I said, grain of salt.½
smiteme | Oct 25, 2017 |
Grown-up coloring books have become very popular of late and Everything Beautiful is a welcome addition. On the cover, it says it is a coloring book for inspiration and reflection.

There is a wonderful variety of designs with some with sharp lines and triangles, some with flowers and leaves, hearts, scenic, lacy and much more. In the center of each is an inspirational message or Bible verse in lovely fonts. Some examples:
You really are loved. Just as you are. More than you know.
I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation. Philippians 4:12
On the backs of each design page are other verses, information about the author of the quotes, or song lyrics.

I found these color pictures to be very relaxing, with not too much intricacy, and even my granddaughter (5) enjoyed coloring one. It is a lovely book and I highly recommend it.
Tmtrvlr | Nov 8, 2016 |
I love these adult coloring books, they relieve so much stress. Beautifully written and frameable!
mware1961 | 1 andere bespreking | Jan 12, 2016 |
When I saw this beautiful coloring book being offered for review, I requested it. I was not disappointed, and wanted to see what the new craze hitting the country was all about, coloring for adults!
First before I even perused the pages, the cover grabbed my attention, beautiful! Next the subject matter of the book, a coloring book for reflection and worship. There are 45 different pages to color your way to peace, and this book is designed to help your spiritual journey as you color and enjoy.
I love that I get to color beautiful pages while enjoying the heart felt sentiments and verses that accompany each page. This book is a winner and a feel good reading.
I received this book through Blogging for Books and was not required to give a positive review
alekee | 1 andere bespreking | Jan 5, 2016 |
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