Afbeelding auteur


First Jobs shows us the importance of a teen's first job is regardless of how menial or how much they earn. What they learn and take away from that experience can have a profound impact on his/her life. Learning responsibility, accountability, customer service, time management, working on a team, respect, as well as what work he or she is passionate about or absolutely hates are all part of the first job experience.

Many selections were moving and exceptional in different ways. My favorites are: the pet grave-digger is one because Jesse got to see his father at work repairing his life while helping folks cope with the loss of loved pets. Robert Pla's odd jobs at the Automat and the New York World's Fair are cool because I had visited both. Richard Stolley's job was exciting because he knew from early on what he wanted to do and how lucky he was to get this amazing opportunity. Christina Min put her heart and soul into working at a non-profit camp she had attended as a child and loved. Steven Carter was surprised to learn more than he expected from the unassuming Farmer Kelly. Oliver Merino describes the challenge and pain trying to find work (and acceptance) as an illegal immigrant to the US; receiving little pay and feeling vulnerable to predatory bosses.

But there were a few too many mediocre selections to make me love the whole book.
Bookish59 | Apr 11, 2016 |