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Disappointing Daddy
2 stars

This is the second book in the Western Daddy Doms series (after Her Billionaire Daddy) and sadly, this is also the second book of that series that I’ve given 2 stars. I think it’s time I give up on this author as she’s clearly not a match for me.

Lexa was a fairly likeable character in the beginning - or certainly not offensive in any way. However, she weakened as the book went on, which was greater highlighted in comparison to the very minor character of Harper. Harper was a strong, confident woman who knew her kink and enjoyed participating in it - but she didn’t let it overtake her personality. It was a shame Lexa couldn’t have been more like her. Asher was equally as okay as our male lead. At times I felt he was a little condescending towards Lexa but it wasn’t so much that I disliked him or the pair together.

The writing was decent and I was engaged for the most part. I didn’t give up on the book and read through to the end - only skimming the sex scenes. There were several instances of words being used that were downright strange. I noticed many occurrences where I would mutter to the author: “I don’t think that word means what you think it means.”

I found the story itself to be very erratic and somewhat poorly paced. And the ‘point’ of the story really wasn’t clear. Was it about the sheriff as the big bad? Or was it about the hunt for Martin’s lost brother? Or was it about Asher and Lexa’s love story? No to all, it turns about - as none of these storylines get fully finished by the end of the book. I see the next two books in the series feature related characters so perhaps you’re supposed to want to read them after this one. I think you can already tell that I will not be doing that. We also get lots of instances where things happen to move the story in a certain direction but they make little sense. Like when Asher brings Lexa to the club rather than his house to keep her safe from the sheriff. The sheriff knew exactly where she was so she was no safer at Western Daddies - but at least she could join in the shenanigans! Sigh.

Speaking of shenanigans - surprisingly, the book wasn’t as chock full of sex as I expected. There’s a couple of 1 on 1 sessions between Asher and Lexa, a few where they get it on alongside other couples and 1 scene where Lexa has multiple male partners including Asher himself. None of them titillated me to any sort of degree and I started to skip past them quite early on. There’s a lo-o-ot of talk about anal sex - which is so not my bag - although I don’t think they actually did it in the end. I may be wrong - I was skimming those scenes, as I said. And although there’s group sex, both of our couple are involved in that, so some people might be put off as, at the beginning, we get a sex scene between Asher and a woman who is not Lexa - with Lexa not present.

I’ve read and enjoyed DDlg books before but there was something about it in this book that made me uncomfortable. Lexa turns from someone taking charge of her own life into someone who cannot make any move without the say-so of her Daddy. But it was more the fact that Lexa called him Daddy in front of other people who weren’t part of that world (that we knew). Imagine meeting a colleague’s wife and then having her call him Daddy all night right in front of you. *Shudders with the cringe!* And then the author herself just started referring to Asher as Daddy in the narrative (which is written in third person) - it felt like I was intruding on a personal fantasy of hers rather than reading about our couple’s romance. And other than the name, and some spanking, there was more of a group sex / voyeuristic vibe going on than a DDlg one, in my opinion.

With all that said, this book has a very high rating on Goodreads, so perhaps it was me that it just didn’t click with. If it sounds like your bag and you like the DDlg, voyeuristic, group sex with cowboys vibe then give it a go. I didn’t love it but I hope you do. Just 2 stars from me.

* I received this book in exchange for my honest review *
joreadsromance | 3 andere besprekingen | Jun 16, 2021 |
What a fascinating read! Lil awakens to a world that seems slightly skewed. Her eyes are a different shade, her hair slightly changed, and instead of her younger sister a young boy stands. What is going on! Within moments she comes face to face with a mirror image of herself and a strange boy claiming she shouldn't be there. Next thing she knows she wakes up and she's back in her normal world. Did she dream everything? She'd almost be willing to believe that if she didn't still have a nail painted like she had in this "dream". Something strange was going on here. Little did she know things were about to get stranger! Parallel worlds, an evil sorceress, fae and dragons! This book had everything rolled into one! It's a quest two worlds and an unlikely group thrust into this awesome adventure! I LOVED how the females were all strong, independent, and flat out awesome!!
txbritgal | Apr 6, 2021 |
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All mouth and no trousers
2 stars

I sometimes dabble in romances in the ddlg lifestyle although I’m very much a novice. However, this book sounded too much fun to pass up. I love a fake relationship trope and I’m partial to a billionaire - it sounded like something I would love.

I’m sad to say, however, that I didn’t love it.

The good bits first. The story as a whole was great. The way our couple meet (or re-meet), they reasoning behind the fake relationship, the person trying to sabotage Martin and Samantha’s new found love… I was behind it all.

The writing was also very good. It was written in third person, past tense and I found it to be engaging and very readable. I definitely wouldn’t mind reading more from Ms West in the future.

Sam and Martin were both likeable characters and the only negative things I can say about them would be that Martin was too domineering and Sam was too juvenile at times. Not really sure that’s a valid complaint in a daddy / little book, though!

However, there are some not so good points about the book, too.

The pacing was all over the place. We seemed to spend aaaages with Martin and Samantha as they reconnected in the bookshop, but in other places a whole sex club was built between paragraphs. Some things were drawn out and some happened far too fast. The first time the pair had sex was over in about a page leaving me a little peeved. The pace allowed me to pick up and put down the book at will. I was never engrossed.

I don’t know if someone just forgot to edit the book but we have a ridiculous amount of simple grammar errors (your instead of you’re, for example) and some incorrect word choices, exhort instead of exert, fair well instead of farewell, to name but two. Sloppy, irritating and an easy fix.

The sex and ddlg playing was hot…especially the spanking. However, there were some points that really weren’t my kind of thing. Martin doesn’t mind sharing Samantha so we do get a scene where 4 men (I think it was 4), including her ex-boyfriend get sexual with her. There’s quite a lot about anal play and anal sex, which is also not my bag.

But the biggest complaint I had about the sex was that it was all mouth and no trousers. Figuratively and literally. As I mentioned before, the first penetrative sexual encounter was over before it began. We then have build up to a scene with multiple partners. But they’re not allowed to have sex with her. So we get 5 or 6 naked folk in a room, a little fondling, a little sucking and then they’re all asleep in a bed. Disappointing from every angle.

Probably as a result of all of my above complaints, I didn’t really ‘feel’ the love between Samantha and Martin. But I could see exactly where it *should* be building. I could see exactly what the author had planned and the potential for the progression of their relationship. I felt like this was a very detailed first draft with so much possibility. And if only it had a bit more editorial work then I would have LOVED it. Shame, really.
joreadsromance | 3 andere besprekingen | Jan 11, 2021 |
I'm really not sure what to say about this book. I don't want to discourage the author but in my opinion there is much to work to be done. The sexerpts, I guess that's what you call them, were distasteful, perverted, kinky and repeated to often. I read through one of the distorted excerpts and that was more than enough. I am sure there are people who do this sort of thing, those who talk about it, those who elect to read about it, Though, I'm not sure why. Ms West's story line, with some nurturing, could have been awesome. As written the characters we've not developed, and lost any potential of redeeming the plot. I sincerely hope to read something from Allison West in the future with content moderation to the sex, lust, and submission.
nwavra | 3 andere besprekingen | Jan 3, 2021 |
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Though I went into this book not knowing a lot about the plot (because that's just the way I like to read books), I knew that this was clearly going to have a 'daddy/babygirl' aspect (*cough* it's in the title). That being said, this is not my favorite trope (I knew what I was getting into, so I'm not going to let this affect my rating), not that I don't like a good dominant main man, but not quite to this extent. As for the overall plot, it definitely took a while to really understand what was happening. I loved the suspense and the general ambiguity of the main character and her background.

I am really glad I read this book and I hope this was a good, honest review, though I do not think I will read another book in this series.
AvaGuerra | 3 andere besprekingen | Dec 20, 2020 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
This book had an interesting story line but I would have liked to see more built into it. It moved very quickly and more fleshing out of story and characters would make the book better. Good effort from the author.
Noelle_Brighton | 3 andere besprekingen | Dec 9, 2020 |
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Well this was...not good. It’s sad that the blurb about the book is probably the best thing about the book. I don’t really know anything about the publisher, but no one looked at this prior to printing; the number of errors in grammar and incorrect words (e.g. exhort vs exert, except vs accept) was ridiculous.

As to the story itself, I didn’t feel it. There was no character development at all nor backstory, even though the heroine has supposedly been in love with the hero forever (which I don’t think is ever brought up to him BTW). She is an erotic romance author who writes reverse harem, yet she apparently knows nothing about daddy kink (not that it seems he really does either). There was a year that I guess passed in about a chapter, and we’ve heard pretty much zero about the villain until he shows up at over 80%.

Finally, this wasn’t even sexy. It definitely can’t be categorized as erotic romance since there wasn’t any sex that moved their story forward; honestly I’ve read more sex scenes in most historical romances, so don’t expect to find many hot times happening here. If you’re looking for good erotic daddy kink, go to AO3 and do a tag search instead.
1 stem
spinsterrevival | 3 andere besprekingen | Dec 4, 2020 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
I could say a lot about this book, but I don't want to spoil anything. I'm the type that when reading a book, I wait for the man to do something to hurt the woman. That seems how most books go these days. That didn't happen in this book. Yeah, Sam got hurt by Martian at one point, but it was all just a misunderstanding. To me, even though it's stated several times, Martian didn't really come off as a billionaire playboy. I would have liked a little more background on the characters. To keep from spoiling anything, there's something mentioned on why Martain doesn't want to return home to Montana. I would have liked more on that. Maybe it'll be in another book since this is book one. I would have liked more on Sam's past with Berry or a little more on what was going through her head after what happened towards the end. At one point, there was a huge time jump. There was no indication of it except for when Martain was talking about how long he'd been gone from his apartment. I noticed several errors in the book as well. Once the wrong name was used. Other than that, I really enjoyed reading this book. I hadn't been intending to sit down and read it as it was four in the morning, but I couldn't put it down. I had to finish it. I'd recommend this book.
KaylaB.Hedrick | 3 andere besprekingen | Dec 4, 2020 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
I received an eARC of this in exchange for an honest, voluntary review. All opinions are my own.
Normally I'm down for some great kinky erotic writing. But I've never entered the world of DDLG before. I love a dominant/submissive genre but the Daddy and baby girl aspects aren't for me. I'm not shaming the trope or the real-life enjoyers, but it's not something I personally enjoy.
That being said, the surrounding plot has a lot of promise. There's decent suspense underlying the jumpy scene hopping inconsistencies.
I really felt like I was entering a show already in progress, always missing something that was never explained.
The subplot with the Sherrif annoyed me endlessly. I get a small-town sheriff with delusions of grandeur, overstepping his boundaries. But the lackluster way he was held accountable was really unbelievable (in an unrealistic way, not an I can't believe it way).
There was a lot of macho posturing between the men, especially Archer and the Sherrif.
Lexa's intimate thoughts and self-action belied her experience to the point where her innocence didn't fit with her character.
The mystery surrounding her parentage and history was another good subplot that could have been explored better, as is her 'step=brother' and his presence in her life.
All in all, I felt like a visitor to this world. It didn't drag me into its depths and I felt like the book was skimming the surface of something that could be amazing.
Tina_Evans | 3 andere besprekingen | Dec 3, 2020 |
I so loved this book i can't wait to read more...hopefully there is more...don't make me cry if there isn't...there's gotta be hopefully soon....i had an awesome time with Lexa Mae & Jules Sinclair...they were really sexy...and i loved putting myself in the role of Lexa...cause she sounds smokin...and Jules is not bad a blast...definitely 5 Stars for me!!!!
Dawn2016 | Jan 29, 2016 |
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