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Werken van Kelisa Wing


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1. "George Floyd was killed by a police officer. People began to realize that black people are sometimes treated differently when they come into contact with the police"
No matter your opinion about the trial, it was neither mentioned nor proven that George Floyd was killed because he was black.

2. "Did you know that a black boy who grows up in a wealthy community has a much greater chance of living in poverty as an adult than a white by does? That black boy may be just as smart and talented as his white friend, but the black by may have more obstacles in his path that make gaining wealth more difficult. He may face racial discrimination we he tries to purchase a home or apply for a job"

That would be ILLEGAL so that person could sue, however, companies are actively NOT hiring white people so the comment "His white friend may have to overcome obstacles but they will not involve racial discrimination, which means his friend has white privilege" Is untrue.

3. "The actions that the people who founded this country took and the laws that they created deeply hurt people who were not white. That hurt continues today. White privilege and the advantages that come with it are the result of racial bias and racism."

Wrong. Every culture has experienced racism since the beginning of tribes and every race has owned slaves. The founders of America, even the ones who owned slaves, struggled with the practice and set up the founding documents with the idea in mind to abolish slavery, which we did.

4. "In 2016, schools with mostly white students received $23 billion (yes, you read that right) more per year than schools with mostly black students. These kinds of differences give white people more power and more white privilege."

Education Week refers to the allocation of resources according to adequacy and equity. In other words, states have a responsibility to make sure schools have sufficient funding to operate, and schools have a responsibility to ensure every student gets a quality education. In most cases, funding is divided by student, with funding ranging from just over $3,000 per student in Utah to more than $11,000 per student in New York. States may also allocate funding based on specific programs, in some cases using federal money for programs that are implemented at the federal level. If your school isn't funding your school correctly, vote better or get involved with your local school board.

5. "There is no law stating that police should arrest black people more than white people. Yet black people are more likely to be stopped, arrested, and killed by police officers than white people. This is true even the though the same number of white and black people commit crimes."

Correct. There is no law stating that police should arrest black people more than white people. However, although African Americans comprise about 13 percent of the US population, they account for about 39 percent of all arrests for violent crime. Latinos also have higher crime rates than non-Latino whites, but lower rates than those for African Americans. Lets also note that POC tend to live in urban areas where there are more police so the chance of getting pulled over naturally goes up.

6. "Protestors rally toward the Sanford Police department in support of Trayvon Martin."

Why? He wasn't shot by police

7. "In 2014, another unarmed teenager, Michael Brown, was murdered by police in Ferguson, Missouri"

Brown refused to comply with the officers request to get out of the road and he was belligerent. It fails to mention that Brown charged the officer (the "teenager" was 6'5 and 289 lb) and tried to grab the gun. Evidence supports the fact he grabbed the gun and struggled with the officer.

8. "Tweets by U.S. President Donald Trump also spread anti-BLM sentiment, calling the movement a "symbol of hate". Social media posts and misinformation further inflamed tensions."

No mention of the tweets by BLM leaders saying that whites are subhuman or how BLM rioters were burning and looting or how BLM is committed to destroying the nuclear family, or about their Marxist beliefs, or that they aren't interested in finding common ground. No mention of Joe Biden's many, MANY racist behaviors or about Trump signing in the First Step Act, how he pardoned a black boxer or granted Alice Johnson clemency, loaned his jet to Nelson Mandela or supported HBCs.

9. "Supporting and valuing the lives of black citizens is supporting and valuing human life. Valuing human life is what BLM is all about"

From BLMs website: "We affirm the lives of Black queer and trans folks, disabled folks, undocumented folks, folks with records, women, and all Black lives along the gender spectrum. Our network centers those who have been marginalized within Black liberation movements. The call for Black lives to matter is a rallying cry for ALL Black lives striving for liberation. " Hmmm. If they value all human life, why do they only show up in the rare instances when a POC is killed during a police interaction? Why don't they address and work on black on black crime like the 27 shot, 5 fatally in Chicago (one was a 7 year old girl in a car at McDonald's with her dad) over one (typical) weekend?

I could go on and on. I will say that, for whatever reason, both Black and White are capitalized throughout the book and it does acknowledge that Harriet Beecher Stowe and John Brown were abolitionists but labels them as "Anti-Racists" a modern day, made up term.

There are no citations to back up the claims in this book and the comments are very general. Books like these cause our children to identify as either the oppressed or the oppressor with no solutions to problems they claim to exist. It just causes us to be more divided which is the biggest crime of all.

I hate that I feel that I have to add that my children are multi-racial but there you go.
Thank you for your review.
… (meer)
HRC0826 | Apr 25, 2021 |


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