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The animation begins with an anthropomorphic house checking the date in his diary and starting an inventory of produce from several towns. The town of Miggershausen is producing less than anywhere else and so a radio with human characteristics starts checking a map for the location of this town in which we are shown images of a very run-down desolate place, the cow being milked only produces one drop of milk, the chicken's egg is so minuscule you need a magnifying glass to see it and the animals water trough is so contaminated it is doing the animals some serious harm. News of the inferiority of this town travels fast and we see a group of men in a pub reading the paper and laughing. The radio decides that something must be done and so he sets of on the very long journey, in which he has to take three modes of transport, to Miggershausen. The town's people are not very welcoming and the radio is confronted by a barking dog: a man drops a plant pot on his head: he gets a bucket of water in the face and finally he is thrown out by a pitchfork onto a rubbish heap. The radio decides he needs some assistance and so he sends a message by the airwaves to his fellow radios who answer his call for help. The army of radios make their journey to Miggershausen and come up with a plan to infiltrate the town. They disguise themselves as bushes and scarecrows to edge their way closer, then they finally enter the town through a tunnel they have dug and by using ladders to climb over the wall. When the convoy finally makes it into Miggershausen they raise a white flag (or more accurately a pair of white trousers) to show they now have control over the town. The head radio then gathers his army and assigns them all tasks at which they all go their separate ways beginning the reformative operation to make Miggershausen a more efficient town. The radios give the towns people advice on how to regenerate their land by making sure the cows are well-fed: the image of malnourished cows with their bones showing transforms into happy fatter cows who reward the people with an ongoing supply of milk; the chicken shed is refurbished; a dank dirty yard is replaced with fully functioning drainage system producing fresh water for everyone and fences are built in the fields so the animals can be separated with each space having its own fresh water trough. The chicken shed is also refurbished with a larger supply of chickens each are producing eggs to a good standard. A man is seen taking some advice from a radio and, taking it on board, rushes to get a cart full of hay safely into a shed before heavy rain follows. Upon completion the leader of the radio army stands on top of a platform and begins a speech to which all the town's people and all the animals listen intently. A man thanks the radio for his help and pulls out a purse full of money. What follows then is a series of clips of different people in the town relaxing in their homes, each accompanied by thought bubbles with different types of music playing. Then the town's people are gathered for a dance with the radio clapping along. The end of the animation shows the head radio painting over the town sign and replacing the name Miggershausen with Frohenhausen: froh being one of the German words for happy (fonte: Wikipedia)
MemorialeSardoShoah | Jan 27, 2021 |