
sisters (1), but this girl's mom has a job that keeps her whole family jumping! Good for students who have a working parent who can't actually be at home with them everyday (1), and Dilly―need to cross a busy highway to get to the new dance hall. (1), three fun-loving armadillo sisters―Lilly (1), In this spirited spin on a classic tale (1), this adorable counting bedtime book celebrates the special ritual of goodnight kisses. (1), With simple (1), and a castle on Hester Street are some of the widely imaginative stories Julie's grandpa tells her about his journey from Russia to New York many years ago. (1), buttons the size of sleds (1), A flying goat (1), Skippy bounces on his big-boy bed and heads off for the REAL adventure awaiting him in his closet. (1), While his sisters listen to Snow White and the Seven Dwarves (1), Everyone knows that it isn't always easy having a working mom (1), and he’s in for another whirlwind adventure. (1), Big Bear sets out with all his patience and understanding to show Little Bear that the dark is nothing to be afraid of. (1), Clifford learns to be polite and courteous in all activities in his life. (1), and the thief wants to stop Halloween. (1), There's a thief on the loose (1), it's the kids who are going to be endangered! (1), Miss Suki is a famous children's book author—and she's coming to A.J.'s school! She lives in the rainforest and writes about endangered animals. But when her pet raptor gets loose in the classroom (1), know the truth. (1), but Peter and his pet turtle (1), are in the same room. Grown-ups think Fudge is absolutely adorable (1), Two is a crowd when Peter and his little brother (1), Jigsaw is hot on the trail of Hermie the missing hamster. (1), His doggy pals want to visit the Under Mundo—the underworld—where mummitos rest in peas. But they need El Skippito’s brains and courage to answer the riddle of the Finx and enter the mummy’s tomb. Our hero is up to the task (1), It tells the story of a well mannered boy who frequently gets invited to visit the king and queen and always asks if he can bring a new friend the next time he visits (1), Explains what earth scientists know about volcanoes and earthquakes. (1), the weirdest zookeeper in the history of the universe! (1), each page a student takes turns in reading out loud to the other (1), An unearthly being has burrowed in Sally May's vegetable garden. Hank tries to dig the space monster robot out of its hole. (1), mind the ranch with humorous results. (1), Little Alfred and Slim Chance (1), Hank the Cowdog and his human friends (1), Unsupervised for the day (1), almost normal). (1), Melvin Sneedly had been brought back to normal (well (1), and through the wonders of science (1), had defeated the Bionic Booger Boy (1), Sulu the Bionic Hamster (1), Miss Child (1), Mr. Macky (1), A.J. and the rest of the third graders at Ella Mentry School go on a field trip to the zoo. There they meet (1), take on the classic nursery rhyme with live action pictures (1), the classic counting down from five ducks to none all going out to play. (1), and the hope of capturing and keeping that wonder forever. The adventures of a little boy in the city on a very snowy day. (1), it reveals a child’s wonder at a new world (1), and mother and father. (1), Buzz plans him a surprise party and invites his whole family-including all his brothers (1), Fly Guy misses his family. So when Fly Guy's not looking (1), but he lives in a log cabin and thinks he's Abraham Lincoln! Is he for real? (1), actually expects A.J. and his friends to read stuff about the presidents! Not only that (1), the reading specialist (1), a beginner chapter book for the advanced readers in your classroom. With the help of his Top Secret Detective Journal and his ace partner (1), The rhyming story tells how the fictional town of Itching Down was invaded by four million wasps. The villagers decide to build a gigantic jam sandwich to trap the pesky insects. (1), cousins (1), especially if someone is feeling down about themselves in the classroom and needs a pick me up (1), Trivia book on the moon with pictures. Informational book to read during moon phases lesson (1), Book about dinosaurs living on the moon instead of earth. A fun book to read about during space lesson (1), This book is about the different phases of the moon and different constellations. Can be used when discussing the moon phases in the classroom. (1), Describes the characteristics and traces the history of man's exploration of earth's nearest neighbor. Could be used when discussing space (1), A collection of poems. When talking about poetry in class this book could be used to give students a bunch of examples of how to write different types of poems (1), The duck plays baseball and loses the ball and causes a domino effect to losing all his baseball supplies and trying to figure out how to get everything back onto the ground to continue playing. (1), This could count as a multicultural book because it will help students who have dads who are in the military and their dads aren't with them everyday but love them and are heros. Also that not all heros wear capes (1), This books celebrates all the different kind of pets you may have. This could be used as a first week activity as getting to know your students and asking about their pets and how many people have a pet that their peer doesn't have. (1), This is a multicultural book about the festival of Holi and why it is celebrated. When learning about different cultures around the world adding in this one is a celebration that not a lot of people know about but how much fun and how special it is. (1), This story has many different versions but with this one it is about a woman who swallows all of this stuff used for winter and then it all comes out to build a snowman. IN the classroom this would be a good book to read in celebration of Christmas or Win (1), or when it comes to being fair in all things. (1), This is a multicultural book that everyone is good at something whether it's big or small. I would use this book for multiple reasons in the classroom (1), Hermit crab trying to find his perfect home and embracing changes. When having to make a change in a classroom of some kind you can read this book to help the students know that sometimes changes are a good thing (1), you matter in the world and you are enough to do anything you want. I would use this book for an assignment about what they want to be when they are older and how they will impact the community. (1), This is a multicultural book that no matter what you look like or how you live your life (1), Used during the Fables and Morals part of the year. To explain that the moral of the story is that no matter how small you are there are other ways to solve a problem. Also great for bullying issues in the classroom. (1), Dribble (1), Fudge (1), Mila (1), rhyming text (1), constellations (1), Jilly (1), aunts (1), uncles (1), Duck goes to grocery store for mother and tells herself 'what would mama do?' to get home with all the groceries safe and sound (1), a multicultural book about how to accept yourself just the way you are. Could be used when bullying is in affect in the classroom (1), A fun book with illustrations with different facts about the solar system. (1), A multicultural book about living in two separate home (1), a chapter book for the more advanced readers in your classroom. a boy who is left out but finds group of friends and they do magic and trick other people. (1), but there are so many to choose from that they will have to wait for the perfect burro to find them (1), Pedro and his dad go to find the perfect burro (1), a chapter book for the more advanced readers in your classroom. who started the food fight in the cafeteria? (1), a book about a boy who is trying to earn his 'halo' for being good but learns that being good means more than what he thought (1), A chapter book for the more advanced readers in your classroom. a boy who goes on crazy adventures about how he developed chocolate fever by eating too much chocolate. (1), A story about a girl who thinks she is stupid and dumb and shouldn't be in school is finally with a teacher who helped her figure out she has dyslexia and that sometimes her numbers and letters are jumbled but that doesn't make her stupid. (1), A girl who moves from a completely different country to America and has her security blanker be a metaphor for loving her life back in her old home and making a new blanket for her new home and learning to love them both (1), but all you need is your family and to learn to cherish what is around you. (1), a multicultural book about how you don't need fancy things to be rich (1), with two separate families and places to live. A cat going back and forth between two separate houses that both love him the same (1), A fun rhyming book about different people in a house sleeping and cuddling together and eventually falling apart and causing everyone to wake up. (1), Explores how stars form and create energy (1), A fun interactive book that explains why there is a dragon in your book and how to save your book from being set up in flames because the dragon sneezed (1), a multicultural book about being homeless and making a way to live without having a home. (1), About the dog Balto and his heroic moment of saving kids in the Alaskan village him and his owner and fellow sled dogs lived and the struggles the team faces through their journey (1), Black fish alone with a school of red fish finds a way to protect his friends from danger. (1), so he asked a magic snake for help and his friend was turned into a real mouse (1), Alexander wanted to make his wind up mouse friend just like him (1), Frogs who don't like to share and suddenly are forced to share things when everything around them starts going underwater (1), but when they ran out he came to the rescue (1), Didn't help brothers gather food for winter (1), and the movement of stars. Used with space lesson (1), including descriptions of black holes (1), Each ring of the doorbell brings more friends to share the delicious cookies Ma has made in this beloved classic. (1)
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Feb 26, 2019