
Lid sinds
Jun 22, 2017
Echte naam
Lateefa Dawkins
Over mij
I'm a multi-passionate Author delving in the topics of Family & Relationships, Parenting, Education, Special Needs, and Education & Teaching. Currently, I serves as a Health Insurance Specialist, Special Education Consultant, and Integrative Health Coach.

I recently authored the book “Not My Child: Empowering Yourself and Special Child” and in the midst of working on a number of other publications.

In addition to obtaining my Certification in Integrative Health Coaching, Lateefa holds an M.S. in Non-Profit Management and a B.S. in Social Sciences.

During my free time, I enjoys discovering new places, faces, and cultures. I've ventured to Senegal and Morocco. Thailand is my next go-to destination on the list. I'm is also an avid bookworm, K-drama fanatic, and sci-fi lover.

Above all, I loves spending quality time with my amazing family. M children may have learning disabilities, but they are in no way defined by them. Each child is both unique and gifted, and ultimately serves as my inspiration.
Washington DC