LidKathy_A_H(she, her, hers)

Lid sinds
Jan 9, 2023
Echte naam
Kathy Hill
Over mijn bibliotheek

My "library" consists of piles of TBRs--in the kitchen, in the bedroom, in the livingroom--as well as a collection of books actually residing on shelves, and there's the bathroom book, and the car book. The bed book(s) now reside in the TBR pile on the floor by my night stand. I tired of rolling over on them in the night.

The collection is varied, suprising to even those who think they know me. Young adult fiction and non-fiction tomes on awakening consciousness nestle with poorly written, but fun, romance and the occasional award winning literary piece of art.

This may be a mark against me, or for me, but my favorite author is Orson Scott Card. Second is twenty authors, give or take, usually led by the author of the book in my hand at any given moment. My library is also an unending stream of possibilities from the local libraries and interlibrary loan programs. I, amazingly, HAVE returned books to the library unread. It does not happen often, and I used to not permit myself that option, but there are only so many books one can read in a lifetime, and some books simply need to be moved out of the way.

Over mij

I am single, live alone, am mother to one grown daughter and grandmother of 3 of the best grandchildren possible. I am retired, own a small home on a few acres where I garden, raise chickens, and yell at my German Shepard Dog, Ruby, more than a person should have to. My parents, both in their late 80s, are a few miles down the road; they keep me busy with tasks likely important only to the elderly.

Victory, NY. A rural town in Cayuga County.
Lokale favorieten

Bibliotheken: Baldwinsville Public Library, Elbridge Free Library, Liverpool Public Library, Seymour Public Library, Stewart B. Lang Memorial Library