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Over mijn bibliotheek
My Library is divided into the following collections:

Your Library: Includes everything from the Books, Magazines, Digital Media & Fan Fiction Collections.

Books: Contains physical books & E-books.

Magazines: Contains magazines.

Digital Media: Contains DVDs & Blu-Ray discs.

Fan Fiction: Contains fan-fiction.

Favourites: Anything I've rated 4 or above.

To Read: Unread books which are currently in my possession.

Read and Want to Own: Borrowed books I loved enough to buy a copy for my personal collection.

Read but Unowned: Books & fanfics which I've read and rated, but which I either borrowed, or are no longer in my possession.

Currently Reading: Whatever I'm reading at the moment.

Wishlist: Books I want to read.


I have another account under the username seldombites where I keep track of the books I have BookCrossed. I have decided to keep these accounts separate, because I've often released several copies of the same book. Thus I will keep each individual copy under my seldombites account, but only one copy in my RachelUndefined account (unless I am still in possession of multiple copes), in order to preserve reviews and ratings.

I will also be cataloguing the fanfics I have on my Kindle., and any DVDs or Blu-Ray discs in my possession.


I don't analyse the literary merit of the books I read. As such, my book ratings are based entirely upon my own enjoyment. Moreover, my ratings aren't static. If my opinion of a book changes over time, I will change my rating.


How I rate my books:

½ Star: I disliked it to the point where I didn’t even finish it and I would actively discourage others from reading it. This will definitely be released.

1 Star: I almost didn’t finish this book, but I powered through. I strongly disliked it and I would actively discourage others from reading it. This will definitely be released.

1 ½ Stars: I read this book, but I didn’t particularly enjoy it and I wouldn’t recommend it. This book will be released.

2 Stars: I don’t really have an opinion on this book. I didn’t particularly like it, but I didn’t particularly dislike it either. I won’t read it again and probably wouldn’t recommend it. This book will be released.

2 ½ Stars: This book is alright, I guess. Other people might enjoy it, but it’s not for me. I might mention it in passing, but I won’t reread it. This book will be released.

3 Stars: This book is average. I enjoyed it, but I’ll probably forget it within a year. I might recommend it to fans of the genre, but I won’t be rereading it. This book will be released.

3 ½ Stars: This book is unexceptional. I enjoyed it, and I would probably recommend it, but I doubt I’ll read it again. This book will be released.

4 Stars: This is an excellent book. I enjoyed it quite a bit and would recommend it to others. I may or may not reread it. This book might be kept, or it might be released.

4 ½ Stars: This book is fantastic. I absolutely loved it and I fully intend to read it again. I would definitely recommend it to others. This book will be kept.

5 Stars: This is an amazing book which I’ll reread multiple times. I quite likely sacrificed sleep or skipped meals for this book and will shamelessly promote it to all and sundry. This book will definitely be kept, and I’ll probably buy an extra copy just to release it.

Over mij
I'm a 41 year old single mother. I've just completed the first semester of the University of Adelaide's University Preparatory Program. After completing the UPP, I hope to study Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) with Bachelor of Arts. I currently live with my mother and two teenage children. I also have two adult children who live elsewhere.


My favourite genre to read is FanFiction, mainly Harry Potter and Harry Potter crossovers, but I do enjoy reading other things as well, both fiction and non-fiction.

I also enjoy blogging and writing flash fiction, though I've not had a lot of time to do so this year. I hope to be able to write more often now that I am settling into Uni.


I have just received my belongings after an interstate move. I'll catalogue my books after I unpack.

Adelaide Hills
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