
Best character development and plot development of any series! Favorite books of all time! I definitely believe that one language arts class in middle school should have Harry Potter curriculum because it is such a well-written and well-developed series. (5), Arguably the worst series of books I have ever read (4), but I had to finish. (4), One of the saddest books I have ever read (2), mostly because of the quality of innocence. This would be a good book to read in middle school (2), when learning about mental illness. (2), just because of how dark it is and how honestly Plath portrays her life. Once again (1), not suitable for anyone younger than high school age. This book would fit well with mental health curriculum and with the other books by Plath in this list. (1), I had to re-read this. This book is especially appropriate for this political climate as it is a dystopian fiction. (1), mostly because of how unknown it is and how it plays so much on innocence.It should be included in a Jane Austen curriculum. She was an amazing female author that took an atypical route in life for a woman. (1), My favorite historical novel because of how scary both the setting and characters are. This book would be good to read with the other aforementioned scary historical novels. (1), I had to re-read. Especially relevant in today's society. This would be relevant to curriculum discussing women's rights (1), perhaps with The Second Sex and The Vagina Monologues. (1), I hated this book mostly because I couldn't get a grip on all of the lingo and the format was annoying to read. This would definitely suitable for elementary school children. (1), except I found the movie to be more enjoyable! This would definitely be suitable for elementary school children. (1), I really liked this book (1), but not anyone younger. This book is graphic at points (1), the book was awful and poorly written. I would say that the book could be read with the other fantasy books; however (1), I do believe that there are better books that encapsulate the meaning of fantasy more. (1), in my opinion. This should be included in the fantasy unit (1), especially since it is so different from the Disney version. The children can read this and then watch the Disney movie (1), in order to see the stark difference. (1), I could not get into his poems (1), too complex for me to enjoy. This is definitely for high school or older people who are able to understand the complexities of his poems. (1), My absolute favorite book due to the illustrations and simple verses. This could be read in middle school (1), although I think it would be more applicable for older students. This poetry book was written by a young woman (1), which could be inspiring for high school students. (1), although never explicitly describing sexual acts. (1), but high school children and young adults would benefit from this immensely. The young adults could even put it on at the library. (1), just because of how disgusting it is (especially towards the middle) and how poorly it ends. This book would be suitable for those in high school and older to read (1), After I heard the TV series on Hulu was being made (1), The subject matter of this book was as dark (if not more dark (1), in my opinion) than The Bell Jar. I love Plath's poetry because of this dark edge; but (1), like The Bell Jar (1), Once I heard about the new series on Netflix (1), Her story was amazing and inspirational (1), This was a hard book to finish (1), After the movie was released (1), One of my favorite Jane Austen novels (1), Very funny book-mainly because of how the main character takes a dominant role in the lives of her friends (1), all while ignoring her own. (1), Read this book because I liked how Anne Hathaway portrayed the main character in the movie; However (1), This book deals with women being seen as the weaker sex and how wrong that assumption is. This book would be beneficial for high school girls who want to start learning about the basis of Feminism. (1), My favorite movie of all time (1), so I decided to read the book. Much more developed than the movie and definitely darker (1), this book was very sad and took a lot to finish. This book would be useful in the poetry unit (1), as it is written by Sylvia Plath (1), a famous poetess. This would be a good contrast from the other poetry books that I have included in this list because of its dark nature. Earlier poetry by Sylvia Plath could be included in this unit as well in order to showcase how different her prose be (1), I had to re-read the first three books in the series. These are by far my favorite (relative to the other books in the series) because of how well they set the plot. These books are remarkably dark for children's books and therefore the curriculum should (1), as it includes themes that might not be appropriate for every child (1), such as death and child marriage. (1), especially in the firsthand. The biography unit should include this book because of how uplifting it is. The teacher could similarly go over the political situation that she was in and how her environment led to her situation. (1), I saw this performed and read it immediately after because it was so well-written. This would not be appropriate for younger children (1), One of my all-time favorite books (1), One of my favorite poem books due to the classic aspect of this book and the beautiful artwork. This should definitely be included in the poetry units in elementary schools. (1)
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Mar 1, 2017