Echte naam
Arne Schaefer
Over mijn bibliotheek
While my stock of some 3000 volumes is all about a variety of subjects dealing with Africa, I am a 'Desert Fox' at heart. My private collection and library is all about the rugged West Coast, Namaqualand and Bushmanland, extending from just north of Cape Town, South Africa, north until the Orange or Gariep River; inland my field of interest extends onto the vast and ill-defined, arid plains of Bushmanland. My collection starts with the earliest printed work on the region, dating back to 1728 to the latest published book - in this case my own work, which appeared in mid-August 2008 - a week ago. It is entitled "Life and Travels in the Northwest, 1850-1899 - Namaqualand, Bushmanland & West Coast". The library consists of some 750-800 books, booklets, pamphlets and maps - all of which I shall be listing soon.
Over mij
I started my love affair with the African continent some 56 years ago. Since then I have been an avid reader on all aspects of the continent's history, humanities and natural history. At one time or another I have been an amateur historian, archaeologist, zoologist, hunter, botanist, geologist and traveller - I have graded diamonds, drilled for minerals, designed packaging, built bridges and birdhides, and developed building materials; but my last career is antiquarian bookselling, publishing and writing.
Cape Town, South Africa

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