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Over mijn bibliotheek
It's not that fancy! A lot of paperbacks. What's not paperback was usually bought for me as a gift by either my mom or my husband. A lot of books are from college (the English degree, not the RN). And I also have a lot of books from when I was small, and which I'm determined to hang on to. The girls' gazillion kids' books are part of our collection now, too, along with the odd book of my husband's. It would be so super fabulous to own every book I love, in hardcover, but it always seems so decadent to buy what I can check out for free from the library.
Over mij
I am a 30-year-old from Northwest Indiana ("The Region," which is reputed to be much more ominous than it really is). I'm an obstetrical nurse. My husband is a sheet metal worker. My girls are young (two in grade school and one a preschooler), so most of our time is spent with the kids' stuff--basketball, softball, swimming....

I read while I'm waiting in the car for the girls after activities, at the park, during the (only!) quiet time at 1 a.m. when I come home from work and everyone's asleep. We spend a lot of time at the local branch library.
Hobart, IN