
a must-read. (3), compelling (2), sad (2), Compelling (2), too. (2), fiction (1), growing up non-assertive in an abusive household. (1), Interesting but of dubious originality. (1), Enjoyable but fairly uneventful. (1), Fictional rewrite of Huey Long's story; compelling (1), it makes up for in humor and description/word choice/art. (1), wonderful character depictions as only Conroy can create. (1), Been years but I remember heartily enjoying this horror-heavy metal novel. (1), Humorous but dark tale about a young teen's nightmarish freshman year (1), Great book about a boy who is unsure about how to deal with his beloved stepmother's infidelity (1), One of my faves; the story of two underdog (1), both beset by two thugs as unlikeable as the protags. (1), short novel about a serial killer (1), the evidence of which is "zipped" in his pocket. (1), Led Zeppelin's bio book; compelling; provocative; full of facts previously unknown to me; created a new appreciation of the band. (1), Despite the need for a bit more editing (1), this was a great read for fans and neophytes alike as they await the release of the first original GnR album since 1991. (1), Seminal mafia book by first "made" member to turn government witness. (1), A page-turner; bio of the gangster who turned on John Gotti (1), cold-blooded serial rapist/murderers. (1), The whaling dissertation chapters notwithstanding (1), Narrated by a runaway and serial killer (1), it is a mystery in Hitchcock fashion but with an ironic ending that will leave the reader saying (1), A western that transcends the genre (1), the only culture/caregiver that ever showed her love. (1), The story of the downfall of the Compsons of Mississippi (1), told by four different narrators (1), Readable mainstream novel about a professional woman "done wrong" by her husband (1), Accurately describes the teen boy infatuation with sex (1), Perhaps the easiest Faulkner novel to read (1), it recounts how Granny Sartoris (1), A starkly-revealing look into the culture of cheating in track and field as well as the new home run "king." Read it and you'll be convinced everyone named is guilty. (1), A masterpiece story of how one life can affect so many (1), each of whom has a different definition of the word in the title (1), Faulknerian fictional novel about Marilyn (1), Finely written mystery about the disappearance of the school outcast. (1), apocalyptic adventure about a future ruled by gangs and genetically-perfected humans and the rabble at their feet. (1), Sad love story of two West Indian teens in NYC who cope with the aftermath of a rape and feelings of inadequacy. (1), A family leaves the city for the safety of the suburbs and confronts censorship and closed minds. (1), this short novel with three narrators depicts the incestous love and tragic end of a brother and sister. (1), Funny story of post-Columbine hysteria that pairs two unlikely friends. (1), Well-written novel about a young girl's post-rape trauma. (1), King shows a lot of range here with four novellas (1), Chilling story of one of our own local murderers. (1), A tense memoir of a hazing victim..nightmarish. (1), A compelling presentation of Christian apologetics. (1), j/k) I enjoyed it. Oates is a modern-day master. Novel demonstrates the devestating effects of family secrets that create shame rather than embracing healing by confronting tragedy. (1), that demonstrates how the next generation is worse than the previous. Sad but masterful. Maybe Faulkner's best. (1), Catchy book about a girl with a past who returns home to confront the crimes she may or may not have committed and the family that never loved her. Actually quite humorous; nice twist at the end (1), an action that parallels the ruination of her family's business. She returns to Charleston to confront both issues. Worth reading. (1), compounded by alienation when one is a minority member. Hilarious in more places than I can enumerate. (1), and Ringo deal with the conquering Yankee army in humorous and tragic ways. Vastly underrated (1), no matter the obstacles or perceived inferiorities he or she has to face. Will be considered a classic one day. (1), a masterpiece grandiose in scale and vision. Unable to put it down. (1), this novella details the efforts of one cop to avenge the brutal attack on a twelve-year old's mother. Oates may be the nearest thing to Faulkner we have left who is still alive and writing. (1), Artful and chilling book written in an obscure manner with flashback and present-day narration about a boy in search of his past and those controlling him who also want answers. Dark and sinister without being ham-handed. A masterpiece. (1), Morally ambiguous and discomforting view of a young bullied teen caught between bad "good" guys and bad bad guys in a no-win situation. A must read! (1), Social class and jock warfare at a consolidated New Jersey school. Well-written (1), Clever parody of vampire and fantasy fiction in Monty Pythonesque fashion. Hilarious. (1), leaving room for empathy for all three. Well written (1), Story about a war between rivalling tobacco growers in Kentucky. A page-turner. (1), Humorous coming-of-age novel of Eugene Gant. What it lacks in structure (1), Conroy's fictional autobiography of living with a Marine fighter pilot father and as a Catholic in the South. Sad and humorous (1), Sequel to "The Last Picture Show;" zanier than LPS with less of a message; makes up for that with interesting characters and situations. McMurtry is the master. (1), Bio of the late-Doors singer. Loved it. Compelling as any novel. (1), A young boy is bullied into tormenting a Holocaust victim. Will he refuse to continue? (1), this is the story of teen runaways who are hardly likeable in a book that's highly readable. A work of art. (1), Compelling apocalyptic tale of a faded-rocker turned messiah. A page-turner by two up-and-comers! (1), This generation's Huck Finn; a funny adventure quite adult in places. (1), Compelling story about sisters who come full circle (futility to self-actualization). (1), Written in ebonics/ghetto slang (1), compelling novel about a young man on a mission after WWII: he returns home to murder his childhood hero. (1), Story of a school bus hijacking through four different artistic (1), Graphic depiction of the devestating effects of random violence and the degradation of perp and victim. (1), Chilling mystery of a family harassed by angry citizens 20 years after a tragic and deadly fire. (1), Compelling argument in favor of intelligent design by an author who is a skeptic. (1), Definitive work on the subject; all you need to know. (1), shocking novel of teenage runaways/squatters who spiral downward as their heroin use increases. (1), A detective faces a moral quandry when faced with interrogating a young boy suspected of murdering an even younger girl. (1), Le Guin was obviously a muse for J.K. Rowling (1), a golden-boy fullback accused of murder. Lots of intrigue and sizzling action. (1), A must for any early Stones insider's view. (1), Sad depiction of the exploitation of a young wallflower by an older man. (1), The book that inspired "Goodfellas" (1), A Cobainish characters saves a kid from suicide but then needs saved himself. (1), the only novel from a great author who died in a plane crash. :( (1), Vastly underrated thriller -- with comic interludes -- involving the kidnapping and exploitation of debutante Temple Drake. A must read. (1), each with their own issues to deal with along the way. Awesome book. (1), and slasher/thriller in four parts...the most autobiographical of all his fiction and also the most adult. Compelling. (1), re-read many times over. The names are changed but you'll recognize the players if you're a Dallas fan. (1), this is the story of a teen "throwaway (1), A homage to Faulkner's "As I Lay Dying" of sorts (1), teen is transformed into a dog and finds that she enjoys that life better; a clever metaphor for recommending non-conformity. (1), Sammy "The Bull" Gravano. (1), My favorite book of Dessen's (1), Dreamlike and poetic (1), Compelling and twisted. (1), and all-too-true. (1), Written in the second person (1), masterfully shocking ending. (1), "NO!!!" Entirely unexpected. (1), Book that inspired "Casino" (1), sings the blues as if Black (1), and campy. (1), " who though white (1), freshmen in high school (1), Young adult fiction.Hispanic. (1), One of my first novels (1), Fantastic work on the SS (1), in-depth and detailed. (1), Chilling look at two (1), well-paced. (1), and her rescuer (1), full of universal messages... (1), salacious (1), a kidnapping victim (1), not all of which are horror. (1), interesting (1), character driven (1), well-written (1), Loved it. (1), a masterpiece. (1), one being an idiot (1), characters and action I loved. (1), The story of Joe Christmas (1), Tawdry (1), Bayard (1), interwoven narrators (1), draws the reader in. (1), Despite Oprah's approval (LOL (1), a Pulitzer Prize-winner (1), Bittersweet love story. (1), The seminal YA book...timeless (1), detective/mystery (1), Chilling. (1), tightly-written. (1), and Cormieresque. (1), tightly written. (1), Humorous book in which a snotty (1), Humorous story of the Snopes clan and their takeover of Frenchman's Bend (1), it is a tale of a young girl's lost year in high school while in an abusive relationship. (1), One of my faves...Steve York recounts what sent him down the tubes and how he recovered in time to graduate...funny (1), Great story about a girl who finds herself while running from her past...a must read (1), Shocking; better than the movie; horrifying; the only book that ruined my appetite (1), that I've threatened not to finish due to outrage but simply had to see it to the end. (1), whose interracial status is the cause of his lifelong rebellion and quest for the punishment he feels he deserves and ultimately gets...sad but darkly humorous in places...a masterpiece. (1), Darkly humorous tale of the Bundren family (1), a woebegotten bunch on their way to bury the matriarch (1), a tiny outpost in Mississippi with hilarious characters who are no match for Flem and his relatives. (1), "grand design" through the voice of nearly half-a-dozen separate (1), This sets Cormier apart from other YA authors...mulitple narrators and genres in one novel...coming-of-age story (1), Breath-taking saga of the damaged Wingo family of South of a kind. (1), A widower finds new life by leaving the church and taking up punk rock! A must-read for anyone who has ever grieved the loss of a loved one. (1), A novel about a pro football expansion team (1), fueled to early success by an underground (1), designer steroid...a page-turner (1), even more relevant after BALCO. (1), Wonderful mystery novel with female heroine-lawyer out to save her client (1), dark (1), all haunted or marked for life by Sutpen's story. (1), Re-read this twice...masterful storytelling...Faulkner captures the recreation of the story of Thomas Sutpen's cruel (1), Highly informative (1), LOVE this book....includes an expanded version of "The Bear." Tells a multi-generational story of an interracial family both before and after the Civil War (1), Likeable characters (1), familiar situations (1), A finely-written (1), Interesting (1), Dark (1), Clever (1), Well-written (1), Gritty (1), graphically illustrating the devesating effects of the South's racial inequality and social caste. (1), I wrote this...I fell in love with Naomi and Isabella while writing it...I think you will (1), One of my absolute faves...funny (1), A very compelling read...defines the YA genre much like The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier...a measuring stick in which to judge all others. (1), tragic story of perhaps an all-too-common experience for teen girls...the author captures the teen voice perfectly in this debut novel. (1), I found myself empathizing with the protagonist (1), who comes home to America to try and get things "right" after living a sordid life abroad. (1), I've re-read this twice...humorous (1), fact-providing without being dry (1), this changed my view of baseball. (1), and a cure for the happy ending cookie-cutter novel. (1), Story behind the Marines and Sailors depicted in the famous Iwo Jima photograph...will make you cry. Compelling (1)
Trefwoordenwolk, Auteurswolk, Trefwoordenspiegel
Lid sinds
Aug 8, 2006
Echte naam
Mark Frye
Over mijn bibliotheek
I love YA fiction and Southern literature, particularly Faulkner.
Over mij
Librarian and author.
South Carolina