
Echte naam
Sibyl White
Over mijn bibliotheek
I've always loved to read, but until recently have always used the public library as my resource. How many times have I wished I'd kept a journal detailing my reading? Oh, about a million. Instead I have to rely on my memory. With senility, that's problematic. But I'm going to systematically try to go through authors and see if I can remember their books. However, even if I remember the books of theirs I've read, I probably won't remember the plots. Oh well, this isn't a contest, or a competition. Just a forum which will lead to more great books. I'm up for that. I do cherish the books I've bought and have them organized alphabetical by author behind glass bookcases. The nonfiction seem to also comprise many shelves and I'm still deciding how to organize those.
Over mij
Mom of two adult children, one who 'gets' me and one who doesn't. It's ok since I no longer define myself by my children ... or by a husband.

Born in Dallas during the war years, I was darn happy to move away during Cuban Missile crisis, then move once again during Reagan years to the border with Mexico. Somewhere in there I lived in Austin, Texas twice. I've moved back close to Austin hoping that some day the kid who is mad at me will come around.

I might have been married for 46 years had I managed to figure out how to stay married to one man. Instead I tried it three times. Now I'm on my own and it's much better.

I might have become a known folk singer but started doing that in the early 60s when it wasn't quite so easy to travel as a single woman. I keep reading up on gals like Joni Mitchell, Carol King, Carly Simon, Emilou Harris to see how they did it. It wasn't easy for them, what with drugs, failed marriages and all. So I guess my way worked for me.

I have a great network which includes not only friends but also family. I have a very best friend and she probably knows me better than even I know myself, and another best friend who thinks he knows me that way but really doesn't. I find that a true best friend can only be made at least 20 years ago. Otherwise they can't every qualify. Those of us who have one, well, we are the lucky ones.
Wimberley, Texas