
Auteurswolk, Trefwoordenspiegel
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Apr 17, 2007
Over mijn bibliotheek
Saving the various textbooks I never got around to carting off to the Salvation Army thrift store, my library follows my interests pretty closely. My general pattern in any educational effort is "broad everywhere, deep somewhere," that is, to cover the scope of the area lightly to get a feel for what's there, and to go as deeply as possible in one area of particular interest. My library reflects this strategy, so it's a bit lopsided.
Over mij
I'm a pastor, a seminary professor, and a martial artist of some experience. As you'll see from my library, my interests are diverse to the point of promiscuity, but there are definite concentrations. In theology: hermeneutics, exegesis, soteriology, and apologetics. In history: very ancient civilizations of all geographies, Western civilization, and all things Lincoln. With respect to the human body: functional anatomy, yoga, fitness, bodywork, destructive anatomy, and (particularly Indonesian) martial arts. Oh, and did I mention fantasy and science fiction?