UitgeversreeksenMethuen Drama World Dramatists

Five plays door Aphra Behn 33 exemplaren, 1 besprekingBehn
Brecht Plays 1 : Baal + The mother + The threepenny opera door Hugh Rorrison 38 exemplarenBrecht
Brecht Plays 2 : Fear and misery of the Third Reich + The good person of Szechwan + Mother Courage and her children door Hugh Rorrison 56 exemplarenBrecht
Brecht Plays 3 : Caucasian chalk circle + Life of Galileo + Resistable rise of Arturo Ui door Hugh Rorrison 42 exemplarenBrecht
Brenton Plays 1 : Christie in love + Magnificence + the Churchill play + Weapons of happiness + Epsom Downs + Sore Throats door Howard Brenton 22 exemplarenBrenton
Brenton Plays 2 : The Romans in Britain + Thirteenth night + The genius + Bloody poetry + Greenland door Howard Brenton 27 exemplarenBrenton
Churchill Plays 2 : Softcops + Top girls + Fen + Serious money door Caryl Churchill 132 exemplaren, 3 besprekingenChurchill
Edgar Plays 2 : Ecclesiastes + Nicholas Nickleby {Parts I and II} + Entertaining strangers door David Edgar 12 exemplarenEdgar
De Filippo four plays : The local authority + Grand magic + Filumena + Marturano door Eduardo De Filippo 8 exemplarenFilippo
Gorky Plays: 1: The Lower Depths, Summerfolk, Children of the Sun, Barbarians, and Enemies (Methuen's World Dramatists) door Maxim Gorky 44 exemplarenGorky
Plays: One door Ntozake Shange 11 exemplarenShange
Plays One: The Father, Miss Julie, The Ghost Sonata (Methuen World Dramatists Series) (Vol 1) door August Strindberg 94 exemplarenStrindberg
Antigone / Oedipus Rex / Oedipus at Colonus door Sophocles 13,190 exemplaren, 51 besprekingen

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Engels: Methuen's World Dramatists

