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Antigone / Oedipus Rex / Oedipus at Colonus

door Sophocles

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Reeksen: Oedipus Cycle (1-3)

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13,39052461 (4.02)171
Drama. Fiction. Folklore. HTML:

Oedipus the King is Sophocles' legendary rendition of the myth of the great king Oedipus, perhaps the best known of all of the Greek Tragedies.

When an oracle foretells that the young prince Oedipus will grow up to murder his father he is cast out of the kingdom by the king who hopes by doing so that he will avoid his fate. Oedipus grows up and many years later, not knowing his own identity, or the identity of his father, meets him at a crossroad where they argue and the king is killed. The rest of the tale pivots around the unraveling of this tangled family history and the appalling discovery of, not only patricide, but Oedipus' subsequent incest in unwittingly marrying his own mother.

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What like you don't read greek tragedies as light reading?

Antigone remains my favorite, howevef I greatly enjoyed all of Doerries translations here. Written with both lyrical quality and with enough modernization that its easy to follow along with, Doerries did a stand up job. ( )
  lexilewords | Dec 28, 2023 |
Oedipus is my favorite. Absolutely dripping with dramatic irony in the most tragic of ways. ( )
  Sammelsurium | Jul 29, 2023 |
I have no special insight. They are all three of very good quality, just like the many people say. The two that Oedipus is alive for—the fate and free-will themed ones—I cannot say that I understand, for I am not one of Calvin and the Popes (an 80s band, I assure you—jk) people who understand exactly the nature of all reality. I guess I believe we have some free will, but very little, although the little we have is very important; I guess that makes me catholic. If pressed I cannot really marshal Sophocles saints and scriptures to explain all things, however. All I would venture even guessing is that Oedipus is a problematic hero because of the violence he visits on himself. But, you know.

I would say I understand “Antigone” better, and the themes of the state and the family, duty and the individual, men and women. Antigone and Creon are both deeply cringe-worthy, perhaps Creon in a more public way, but then he was Mr Public. They both try to cling to their own shard of the truth and use it to cut the other one. Very regrettable. I would say that I know Antigone and Creon very well, since my mother thinks she is Antigone and my father thinks he is Creon—without using those words, of course. I suppose that you could say that much of my writing is about Antigone and Creon, since they both embody flawed gender identities and politics so uncompromisingly, fully, neurotically. I suppose it would be tiresome to go on further; if you’re curious you could read almost anything else I’ve written. They are, after all, my parents.
  goosecap | Jun 7, 2022 |
Don't recognize the edition I read back in high school from the pages and pages of entries, so I don't know which translation I read. I just remember the power of these plays, challenging my youthful illusions that reason and good intentions would be enough to get me through life. ( )
  HenrySt123 | Jul 19, 2021 |
This book contains the trilogies: Oedipus Rex, Oedipus at Colonus, and Antigone. I use Antigone when I teach Western Civ I; have not taught it since 2016. (Students aren't taking ancient history courses anymore! ) I knew the premises of both the Oedipus plays, but had not read them, that I can remember; although they were very familiar as I was reading. IMHO they are the best of the ancient plays; with Antigone being my all time favorite. It doesn't get any better than sons sleeping with their mothers, gouging eyes out with pins, and being walled up in a cave to starve and suffocate!;) 162 pages ( )
  Tess_W | Jun 26, 2021 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen (212 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Sophoclesprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Banks, Theodore HowardVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Fagles, RobertVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Fitts, DudleyVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Fitzgerald, RobertVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Grene, DavidVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Grene, DavidRedacteurSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Hecht, JameyVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Knox, BernardIntroductieSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Lattimore, RichmondRedacteurSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Roche, PaulVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Viehhoff, HeinrichVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Watling, E. F.VertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Wyckoff, ElizabethVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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for Duncan Grant
my choice and master spirit of this age.
for Martin W. Tanner
"he setteth his mind to finish his work, and watcheth to polish it perfectly."
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My children, scions of the ancient Cadmean line, what is the meaning of this thronging round my feet, this holding out of olive boughs all wreathed in woe?
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0140444254 2000 Penguin Classics
041342460X 1986 Methuen Drama Sophocles Plays: 1
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Drama. Fiction. Folklore. HTML:

Oedipus the King is Sophocles' legendary rendition of the myth of the great king Oedipus, perhaps the best known of all of the Greek Tragedies.

When an oracle foretells that the young prince Oedipus will grow up to murder his father he is cast out of the kingdom by the king who hopes by doing so that he will avoid his fate. Oedipus grows up and many years later, not knowing his own identity, or the identity of his father, meets him at a crossroad where they argue and the king is killed. The rest of the tale pivots around the unraveling of this tangled family history and the appalling discovery of, not only patricide, but Oedipus' subsequent incest in unwittingly marrying his own mother.


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Gemiddelde: (4.02)
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1 6
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2 53
2.5 16
3 203
3.5 46
4 433
4.5 33
5 391

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