Boekenreeksen voor JamesIII

Reeksen waartoe boeken in JamesIII's bibliotheek behoren

Samenvatting: 44 reeksen

Adam Dalgliesh

Alan Grant

Alice's Adventures

Andrew Lang's Fairy Books

The Barsetshire Chronicles

Blandings Castle

Britain Trilogy

British Myths and Legends

The Campaigns of Wellington

The Christmas Books of Charles Dickens

The Duport Inheritance

Empire Trilogy

Festa Weird Fiction

Folio Bibliography

French Trilogy

From Hell

Ghost Stories of M.R. James

The Greek Myths

The Highland Trilogy

Homer's Epic Cycle

The Icelandic Sagas - Folio Society

James Bond novels

James Bond novels - Continuation Series

James Bond novels - Original Series


Liz Carlyle

Lord Peter Wimsey

Louis Riel

Milton's Paradise

Miss Marple

New Annotated Sherlock Holmes

Oedipus Cycle

The Oresteia

The Palliser Novels

Pax Britannica Trilogy


Queen and Country Complete

Queen and Country Novels

Radlett and Montdore

The Strand Selection in 3 Volumes

Studies in Social History [Routledge]

Thames and Hudson World of Art

Vitruvius Britannicus
