Boekenreeksen voor JonathanFreitag

Reeksen waartoe boeken in JonathanFreitag's bibliotheek behoren

Samenvatting: 29 reeksen


Books that Changed the World

Civil War America

Civil War Centennial Series

The Civil War in the West

Collector's Library of the Civil War

Cornerstones of Military History

Epochen der Weltgeschichte

Field of Glory

France and England in North America

Great Campaigns

Great Campaigns of the Civil War

The Great Military Campaigns Of History

Great Military Campaigns of the Civil War

History of the Second World War. United Kingdom Military Series

Ken Burns: The Civil War [PBS]

The Landmark Ancient Histories

Modern Wars in Perspective


Osprey Campaign

Osprey Essential Histories

Osprey Essential Histories Specials

Osprey Order of Battle

Overland Campaign

Pivotal Moments in American History

Rebels and Yankees

This Hallowed Ground: Guides to Civil War Battlefields

Time-Life: Echoes of Glory

U.S. Army War College Guides to Civil War Battles