Boekenreeksen voor M_Giersz

Reeksen waartoe boeken in M_Giersz's bibliotheek behoren

Samenvatting: 36 reeksen

American Antiquity

Ancient America

Bronisław Malinowski, Dzieła

Cambridge Latin American Studies

Cronistas de Indias

Diccionario de la Lengua Española

Dumbarton Oaks Pre-Columbian Symposia and Colloquia

The Greek Myths

The History of Human Society

History of Religious Ideas

Horrible Histories


An Introduction to American Archaeology

Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long Series in Latin American and Latino Art and Culture

Latin America Otherwise

Lengua y sociedad ; 4

Life of the Sea Trilogy

Major World Nations

New Approaches to the Americas

The New Critical Idiom

New Studies in Archaeology

Os Incas - v.2

The Pelican History of Art

The Royal commentaries of the Incas

Sapiens: A Graphic History

Smithsonian Series in Ethnographic Inquiry

Studies in Pre-Columbian Art and Archaeology

Taschen : Basic Art

Le Temps Qui Court

Texas A & M University Anthropology Series

UCLA Fowler Museum of Cultural History Textile Series

University Museum Monograph

Veröffentlichungen des Museums für Völkerkunde, Berlin; Abteilung Amerikanische Archäologie

Veröffentlichungen des Museums für Völkerkunde, Berlin; Neue Folge

Webster's Third New International Dictionary

The World's Greatest Art