Boekenreeksen voor WhitNini

Reeksen waartoe boeken in WhitNini's bibliotheek behoren

Samenvatting: 27 reeksen

Alex Carter

All Creatures Great and Small - UK

All Creatures Great and Small - US

Ape Quartet

Arthur Less

Books of Bayern

Chief Inspector Armand Gamache

Chloe Ellefson Mysteries

Flavia de Luce

Harold Fry

Harriet Gordon

The Hunger Games

The Illuminae Files

Jane Wunderly

Jurassic Park

Lord Peter Wimsey

The Lunar Chronicles

Mark Watney

Molly the Maid

Mr. Penumbra

Mrs. Pollifax

Peter Wimsey & Harriet Vane

Phryne Fisher


Sparks and Bainbridge

Susan Ryeland

The Thursday Murder Club