Boekprijzen voor aigalibrary

Prijzen toegekend aan boeken in aigalibrary's bibliotheek

Samenvatting: 26 prijzen en onderscheidingen

30 Nonfiction Books That Are Sure to Make You Smarter Best Books

Arthur Ross Book Award

Audie Award

Axiom Business Book Award

Best books :experts choose their favourites

Books of the Decade: The 50 books that defined the decade

British Book Award

Christian Science Monitor Best Book

Connecticut Book Award

Corine – Internationaler Buchpreis

The Economist Best Books

Estoril Global Issues Distinguished Book Prize

George Wittenborn Memorial Book Award

Grand Canyon Reader Award

Independent Publisher Book Awards

Indies Choice Book Award

Lionel Gelber Prize

Minnesota Book Awards

New York Times bestseller

The New York Times Notable Books of the Year


Publishers Weekly's Best Books of the Year

Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers

Quill Award

The Telegraph's 110 Best Books: The Perfect Library