Boekprijzen voor dlrandrade

Prijzen toegekend aan boeken in dlrandrade's bibliotheek

Samenvatting: 23 prijzen en onderscheidingen

100 books by foreign authors recommended for independent reading

100 Christian Books That Changed the Twentieth Century

1000 лучших произведений мировой худ. литературы в русских переводах, рекомендованных для комплектования школьной библиотеки

1001 boeken die je gelezen moet hebben!

1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die

1001 böcker du måste läsa innan du dör

500 polskich książek

AbeBooks: 50 Essential Historical Fiction Books

Besides the Bible: 100 Books That Have, Should, or Will Create Christian Culture

Bulgarian Big Read

A Catholic Lifetime Reading Plan

Christian Book Award

Christianity Today's Top 50 Books That Have Shaped Evangelicals

Daily Telegraph's 100 Best Novels, 1899

Daniel S. Burt's recommended historical novels

Greatest Books algorithm

Harenberg Buch der 1000 Bücher

Hungarian Big Read

New York Times bestseller

Newark Public Library's 1904 List of a Thousand of the Best Novels

Nobel Prize in Literature

Publishers Weekly Bestseller

Western World's Greatest Books - Project Gutenberg