Boekprijzen voor esthanya

Prijzen toegekend aan boeken in esthanya's bibliotheek

Samenvatting: 20 prijzen en onderscheidingen

100 книг non-fiction от The Prime Russian Magazine

I 150 Grandi Libri dell’Italia unita

16 Of The Best Science Books of All Time

200 best non-fiction books according to Afisha Magazine

501 Must-Read Books (Emma Beare, 2006)

9 лучших научно-популярных книг всех времен и народов от ForbesWomann

Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic Introductory Reading Lists by University of Cambridge

ASI Excellence in Indexing Award

Best Fiction for Young Adults

Gaylactic Spectrum Award

Guardian Essential Library

Hugo Award

Library of Congress Books that Shaped America

Mythopoeic Awards

National Book Award

New York Times bestseller


SF Site Editor's Choice

Wolfson History Prize

Книжный клуб «Элементов»