Karakters in boeken voor haseks

Karakters in de boeken in haseks's bibliotheek

Addie LaRue

Agatha Jones

Albus Perkamentus

Altamira Nowhere

Archer Finn

Belinda Nkala

Celaena Sardothien

Chaol Westfall

Dai, jongen

Dean Thomas

The Devil

Dorian Havilliard II

Draco Malfoy

Dudley Dursley

Edward Foxhaven

Filius Flitwick


Fred Weasley

George Weasley

Ginevra Molly "Ginny" Weasley

Goddess of Moon and Memory

Gregory Goyle

Harry James Potter


Hermelien Griffel

Hilda Kim

Hongi, neef van Namgi

Ian Kubo-Hawthorn

Jamie Kelly

Joon, broer van Mina

Ken Kubo

Lady Hyeri, Sea Gods bride now married to Shiki God of Death

Lavender Brown

Lilian Nowhere

Lord Bom of Tiger House

Lord Kirin, The Silver One

Lord Shin of Lotus House

Lord Voldemort

Lord Yu of Crane House

Luc, de duivel


Lucius Malfoy

Mask, meisje

Mia Corvere

Mika Moon

Miki, zusje van Mask en Dai


Minerva McGonagall

Molly Weasley

Mr Ollivander

Namgi, is een Imugi

Nari, schoolvriendin van Joon

Nehemia Ytger

Neville Longbottom


Oliver Wood

Parvati Patil

Percy Ignatius Weasley

Peter Pettigrew

Petunia Dursley

Primrose Beatrice Everly

Quirinus Quirrell

Ronald "Ron" Virus Wemel

Rosetta Nowhere

Rubeus Hagrid

Ryugi, broer van Namgi, servant to the Goddess of Moon and Memory


Severus Sneep

Shiki, God of the Death of the Star House

Shim Cheong

Shim the Blind, vader van Shim Cheong

Soojin, schoonzusje van Mina

Sophie Clarke

Sung, broer van Mina

Terracotta Nowhere

Vernon Dursley

Vincent Crabbe