Controversiële boeken voor pwhite2366

Deze pagina toont de meest controversiële boeken in deze bibliotheek op basis van de hoogste standaarddeviatie van de beoordelingen van leden.

Standaarddeviatie Gemiddelde waardering Jouw beoordeling Titel
1.226 3.82 A Peculiar People: The Church As Culture in a Post-Christian Society door Rodney Clapp
1.219 3.55 Daily Study Bible: The Letters of James and Peter door William Barclay
1.204 3.73 Daily Study Bible: The Letter to the Romans door William Barclay
1.161 3.76 Sticky Faith: Everyday Ideas to Build Lasting Faith in Your Kids door Kara E. Powell
1.142 3.71 The Witness Of Preaching, Second Edition door Thomas G. Long
1.135 3.62 A New Kind of Christianity: Ten Questions That Are Transforming the Faith door Brian D. McLaren
1.124 3.76 Lead Like Jesus: Lessons from the Greatest Leadership Role Model of All Time door Ken Blanchard
1.111 3.96 Open Mind, Open Heart: The Contemplative Dimension of the Gospel door Thomas Keating
1.106 3.36 Good Grief: A Constructive Approach to the Problem of Loss door Granger E. Westberg
1.099 3.69 The Gospel of Luke (Daily Study Bible) door William Barclay
1.085 3.73 How to Think Theologically door Howard W. Stone
1.084 3.66 Daily Study Bible: The Gospel of John, Volume 1, Chapters 1-7 door William Barclay
1.077 3.86 Having a Mary Spirit: Allowing God to Change Us from the Inside Out door Joanna Weaver
1.063 3.73 Daily Study Bible: The Gospel of Mark door William Barclay
1.061 3.52 Daily Study Bible: The Acts of the Apostles door William Barclay
1.055 3.83 Israel: A History door Martin Gilbert
1.044 3.78 S. Franciscus van Assisi door G.K. Chesterton
1.041 3.86 A Framework for Understanding Poverty door Ruby K. Payne
1.039 4.13 Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals door Shane Claiborne
1.035 4.18 Geheel voor Hem : overdenkingen voor elke dag door Oswald Chambers
1.033 3.93 Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time: The Historical Jesus and the Heart of Contemporary Faith door Marcus J. Borg
1.03 3.89 Daily Study Bible: The Gospel of Matthew, Volume 1, Chapters 1-10 door William Barclay
1.029 4.14 The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language (New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs) door Eugene H. Peterson
1.028 4 The Practice of the Presence of God door Brother Lawrence
1.018 3.78 Bad Girls of the Bible and What We Can Learn From Them door Liz Curtis Higgs
1.017 3.83 Then Sings My Soul: 150 of the World's Greatest Hymn Stories door Robert J. Morgan
0.993 3.88 The Treasure Principle door Randy Alcorn
0.965 4.18 Mere Discipleship: Radical Christianity in a Rebellious World door Lee C. Camp
0.954 3.76 Daily Study Bible: The Letters to the Corinthians door William Barclay
0.949 4.07 Hoe mijn geloof de kerk overleefde door Philip Yancey
0.949 3.96 Paul for Everyone: The Prison Letters : Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon (For Everyone) door Tom Wright
0.941 3.86 Faith Seeking Understanding: An Introduction to Christian Theology door Daniel L. Migliore
0.936 3.58 What the Bible Really Says about Homosexuality door Daniel A. Helminiak
0.934 4.1 Soul Feast: An Invitation to the Christian Spiritual Life door Marjorie J. Thompson
0.933 3.8 Rumors of Another World: What on Earth Are We Missing? door Philip Yancey
0.931 4.07 Each Little Bird That Sings door Deborah Wiles
0.929 4.09 Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation door Parker J. Palmer
0.926 4.13 Take This Bread: A Radical Conversion door Sara Miles
0.922 4.05 Gift from the Sea door Anne Morrow Lindbergh
0.921 4.15 Now and Then door Frederick Buechner
0.916 4.12 A Hidden Wholeness: The Journey Toward an Undivided Life door Parker J. Palmer
0.915 3.96 Waar je ook gaat, daar ben je meditatie in het dagelijks leven door Jon Kabat-Zinn
0.913 4.02 Disappointment with God door Philip Yancey
0.904 3.88 Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers door Anne Lamott
0.903 4.19 The HarperCollins Study Bible door Wayne A. Meeks
0.896 4.03 De kracht van kwetsbaarheid: Heb de moed om niet perfect te willen zijn door Brené Brown
0.895 3.89 The Master Plan of Evangelism door Robert E. Coleman
0.89 3.95 Martin Luther : Selections From His Writings door Martin Luther
0.889 4.05 De religies van de wereld onze grote wijsheidstradities door Huston Smith
0.883 4.21 Holman Bible Atlas: A Complete Guide to the Expansive Geography of Biblical History (Broadman & Holman Reference) door Thomas V. Brisco
0.883 3.92 New Testament Exegesis: A Handbook for Students and Pastors door Gordon D. Fee
0.882 3.81 Divided by Faith: Evangelical Religion and the Problem of Race in America door Michael O. Emerson
0.876 4.03 The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work: A Practical Guide from the Country's Foremost Relationship Expert door John M. Gottman
0.875 4.14 The Naked Now: Learning to See as the Mystics See door Richard Rohr
0.872 4.05 Het hemels baldakijn : Bijdrage tot een theoretische godsdienstsociologie door Peter L. Berger
0.87 4.11 The Writings of the New Testament: An Interpretation door Luke Timothy Johnson
0.868 4.39 Theology and Sanity door F. J. Sheed
0.865 3.98 The Rapture Exposed: The Message of Hope in the Book of Revelation door Barbara R. Rossing
0.865 4.01 Life of the beloved door Henri J. M. Nouwen
0.863 3.93 Reliving the Passion door Walter Wangerin Jr.
0.856 3.95 Reflections on the Psalms door C. S. Lewis
0.853 3.87 Compassie door Karen Armstrong
0.829 3.99 Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World: Finding Intimacy With God in the Busyness of Life door Joanna Weaver
0.816 4.06 The Story of Christianity, Volume 1: The Early Church to the Dawn of the Reformation (Story of Christianity) door Justo L. González
0.81 3.69 The Gospel According to St. Luke: An Introduction and Commentary (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries) door Leon Morris
0.803 4.24 When Breath Becomes Air door Paul Kalanithi
0.797 4.01 The Story of Christianity: Volume Two - The Reformation to the Present Day door Justo L. González
0.795 4.03 For the Love: Fighting for Grace in a World of Impossible Standards door Jen Hatmaker
0.791 4.49 To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings door John O'Donohue
0.787 4.24 Laatste liefde : omgaan met de bijzondere signalen en behoeften van mensen in het besef van de dood door Maggie Callanan
0.776 4.42 Archaeological Study Bible: An Illustrated Walk Through Biblical History and Culture door Walter C. Kaiser Jr.
0.774 4.24 The Moral Vision of the New Testament: Community, Cross, New Creation, A Contemporary Introduction to New Testament Ethics door Richard B. Hays
0.765 3.76 Zakwoordenboek Theologische begrippen door Stanley J. Grenz
0.753 4.21 The Sacred Journey: A Memoir of Early Days door Frederick Buechner
0.746 4.38 Everything Belongs: The Gift of Contemplative Prayer door Richard Rohr
0.727 3.84 Christianity for the Rest of Us: How the Neighborhood Church Is Transforming the Faith door Diana Butler Bass
0.707 4.15 Finding Faith: A Self-Discovery Guide for Your Spiritual Quest door Brian D. McLaren
0.706 3.74 The Message of the Psalms: A Theological Commentary door Walter Brueggemann
0.691 4.47 So you want to talk about race door Ijeoma Oluo
0.691 3.88 Genesis: A Living Conversation door Bill Moyers
0.666 4.04 Gospel Parallels: A Comparison of the Synoptic Gospels, NRSV Edition door Jr. Burton H. Throckmorton
0.663 3.5 In Search of Paul: How Jesus' Apostle Opposed Rome's Empire with God's Kingdom door John Dominic Crossan
0.653 4.24 An Introduction to the New Testament (Anchor Bible Reference Library) door Raymond E. Brown
0.436 4.71 The New Interpreter's Study Bible: New Revised Standard Version With the Apocrypha door Walter J. Harrelson