Project Montessori Super Bowl Ad

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Project Montessori Super Bowl Ad

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feb 22, 2011, 2:48 pm

A lot of people seem to have learned of Montessori by chance, and many more will never hear of it. For this reason, Project Montessori is aiming to reach a wide audience during next year's Super Bowl.


Why not advertise Montessori on the biggest stage of all? We can advertise right alongside the largest multi-national corporations.

But there’s a catch: we have to work together to do it.

The Montessori Super Bowl Ad project is the opportunity for over four thousand U.S. Montessori schools to seize the stage of the most-watched annual event on TV. It is our chance to reach over 100 million viewers for 30 seconds and convince them to come take a look at our schools.

Nothing can replace the power of a classroom observation for a prospective parent. But parents will never take that first step unless they are enticed, intrigued, and excited. By funding this campaign to produce and purchase a Super Bowl ad, Montessori schools will introduce thousands of parents and their children to this wonderful education method.

Spark their interest in Montessori schools!