Louise Erdrich series?

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Louise Erdrich series?

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jul 31, 2011, 12:23 pm

I'm preparing for a Louise Erdrich novel immersion/intensive (where I read all of the books in a row, usually in publication order) and have seen reference to her "Native American series" or "Love Medicine series" but I'm not sure if these are "official" and LT doesn't list them or the books that would be in them.

Anyone know more?
Should they be a series?

aug 9, 2011, 4:43 pm

http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/e/louise-erdrich/ does not credit them as series and in most cases I rely on them for determination when it is not clear cut..

I don't think that they are considered real series... but then I had not read most of them.

aug 12, 2011, 8:45 pm

I guess I'll just have to read them and find out! If I were braver, I would stop by her bookstore here in Minneapolis and ask . . . but I'm not that bold.

According to the Center for Great Plains Studies at the U of Nebraska: "Love Medicine is Erdrich's first and most critically acclaimed novel.... It is the first of a series of novels that are interconnected with one another. The other novels are The Beet Queen, Tracks, The Bingo Palace, Tales of Burning Love, and to a much lesser degree The Antelope Wife."

The recommendation to read them in chronological rather than publication order came from: http://www.dancingbadger.com/louise_erdrich.htm

aug 14, 2011, 6:26 am


Unfortunately Fantastic Fiction has poorly classifies series, and even completely missing series.

From the Wikipedia page for Tracks it certainly sounds like a series to me.

I've seen http://files.harpercollins.com/OMM/love_medicine.html - which looks as though it is at least semi-official.

aug 14, 2011, 6:30 am

>4 andyl:

So does Wikipedia. When they disagree, in most cases FF ends up having it right. :) Depends on the genre in some cases.

Won't argue for that one.