Fantasy & Science Fiction, Asimov's, Analog Magazines


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Fantasy & Science Fiction, Asimov's, Analog Magazines

Dit onderwerp is gemarkeerd als "slapend"—het laatste bericht is van meer dan 90 dagen geleden. Je kan het activeren door een een bericht toe te voegen.

mei 14, 2007, 3:40 pm

I was checking the Wiki, and reading through the short story list. I tend to buy F&SF, Asimov's and (sometimes) Analog magazines (because of an enabling magazine store nearby!). I can pass these along when I've finished reading them. I know I have the current issues of F&SF and Asimov's, and will check to see if there's a woman author in the current Analog. If so, I'll buy it. 8-).

I'll add the issues I have to my LT when I get home from work...

mei 17, 2007, 8:57 pm

Oop, I forgot to ask, any of these magazines contain stories written by women? I'd be interested in seeing them, if so.

mei 25, 2007, 1:01 pm

Ktempest, send your address to and I'll send the pile I've got so far.

For info, here's a list of the stories by women in the issues I have:

F&SF (March) M. Rickert, "Memoir of a Deer Woman"

F&SF (May) K.D. Wentworth, "Kaleidoscope"

F&SF (June)
Sheila Finch, "First Was the Word"
Marta Randall, "Lazaro & Antonio"
Melanie Fazi, "Elegy"

F&SF (July)
P.E. Cunningham, "Car 17"
M.K. Hobson, "Powersuit(TM)"

Asimov's (March)
Mary Rosenblum, "Breeze from the Stars"
Deborah Coates, "Chainsaw on Hand"
Ruth Berman, "Cat Spacesuit" (poem)

Asimov's (April/May)
Karen Joy Fowler, "Always"
Liz Williams, "Wolves of the Spirit"
Lisa Goldstein, "Lilyanna"
Nancy Kress, "End Game"
Ruth Berman, "Alternate Astrology" (poem)

Asimov's (June)
Holly Phillips, "Three Days of Rain"
Elizabeth Bear, "Tideline"
Carrie Vaughn, "Marrying In"
Debbie Ouellet, "Rainstorm" (poem)
Sandra J. Lindow, "Heat" (poem)

Realms of Fantasy (June)
M.K. Hobson, "The Hotel Astarte"
Theodora Gross, "The Princess Lucinda and the Hound of the Moon"

mei 25, 2007, 1:27 pm

I'd be interested in seeing these, too, nextpayday. But I couldn't possibly get to them all at once. I'd like to put my name on the list, then, for:

1. the April/May Asimov's
2. the June Asimov's

after ktempest or whenever's best for you.

(my user name) at

mei 29, 2007, 6:40 pm

I'd like to see the March F&SF issue! I hear nothing about M. Rickert except "she's new" and "she's good."

Do you think we could photocopy the female-written stories and send them around individually?

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