Theatre Group Recommendations

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Theatre Group Recommendations

Dit onderwerp is gemarkeerd als "slapend"—het laatste bericht is van meer dan 90 dagen geleden. Je kan het activeren door een een bericht toe te voegen.

aug 23, 2006, 5:01 pm

What are your favorite theatre groups and companies in your part of the world?

In Washington, DC (where I grew up) I have enjoyed shows at Arena Stage, the Studio theatre, and the Shakespeare Theatre, although none of them have been at all consistent in their quality. The Shakespeare Theatre has been particularly frustrating to me in recent years.

In London (UK) my favorite is the Young Vic (I will be SO glad when it reopens). In general I prefer the smaller theatres (the Donmar Warehouse, the Bush, the Gate, the Cottesloe, the Tricycle, the Royal Court), but I have often enjoyed shows at larger ones.

In New Haven, CT, I always enjoy the Yale School of Drama shows, having found that they often surpass the work of the (professional) Yale Rep.

I am particularly curious about whether anyone has any recommendations for Los Angeles....

Bewerkt: aug 24, 2006, 9:30 am

Chicago has a ton of great theatre groups. Goodman Theatre, Steppenwolf, Court Theatre (at the University of Chicago).

There's a marvelously creative group called Redmoon that does site specific performance pieces. I've seen them do a piece in a lagoon!

I like the American Theatre Company a lot, too, particularly because they have a kick-ass actress, Carmen Roman, who really deserves more recognition.

What I love about the Chicago theatre scene is that we have all sorts of groups, big outfits like Goodman, Chicago Shakespeare Theatre, etc. with their own theatres, to innovators like Greasy Joan and Redmoon, companies with an ethnic slant like Teatro Vista, the list goes on and on.

Afraid I can't help you with L.A., though . . .