Help make Kony Famous!

DiscussieKony 2012

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Help make Kony Famous!

Dit onderwerp is gemarkeerd als "slapend"—het laatste bericht is van meer dan 90 dagen geleden. Je kan het activeren door een een bericht toe te voegen.

mrt 14, 2012, 7:56 pm

Let's spread the word about Kony! Invite everyone you know on LT to join the group!

mrt 14, 2012, 8:23 pm

didn't Sarah just start a similar group?

mrt 14, 2012, 9:27 pm


You do realize that the video is a) irrelevant to present circumstances, and b) was produced by a bottom feeder?

Bewerkt: mrt 15, 2012, 12:52 pm

#3 - I think it's good that people are finding out about Kony, although I'm not keen on Invisible Children. I would donate to Catholic Relief Services if I wanted to devote myself to this cause. They've been in Uganda since 1996, before Kony came around, and they've been instrumental in helping the children affected by Kony. Their money and service actually goes to the children, not to making a video that only raises awareness.

Because, let's face it - what good does awareness bring? Great. Wonderful. Kony's famous. Whoopy do. Now, what? How is hanging up posters of Kony or talking about Kony going to solve anything?

mrt 15, 2012, 9:03 pm

its not that. This video is a nation- wide phenomenon! If people are talking about it and AWARE of it, our decision makers can listen to the voice of the people. and so what if people are aware? Maybe this campaign would help an abusive father not beat up his wife and child for a day? What is someone is inspired to be kind to someone else? what if it starts classroom discussions about what we as people can do? Truly, if being aware is one of the things that we can do, why not do it in its fullest?

mrt 15, 2012, 9:15 pm

Courtesy of Wikipedia: "Slacktivism (sometimes slactivism or slackervism) is a term formed out of the words slacker and activism. The word is usually considered a pejorative term that describes "feel-good" measures, in support of an issue or social cause, that have little or no practical effect other than to make the person doing it feel satisfaction. The acts tend to require minimal personal effort from the slacktivist. The underlying assumption being promoted by the term is that these low cost efforts substitute for more substantive actions rather than supplementing them, although this assumption has not been borne out by research."

mrt 15, 2012, 9:33 pm

Eris, please re- read my last posts in the topics:
Kony video and I'm not sure about Invisible Children and post #5 in this topic.