I yam I said...


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I yam I said...

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Bewerkt: mei 14, 2012, 8:30 am

I've been craving sweet potatoes lately, so even though they're not really the same thing, Crambo's new word rhymes with "yam."

mei 14, 2012, 12:54 pm

Get outta here!

mei 14, 2012, 1:35 pm

But... I just got here...
Oh, it was a guess. OK.

not amscray,

Bewerkt: mei 14, 2012, 2:28 pm


mei 14, 2012, 2:37 pm

Does it rhyme with "Agent Orange"?

mei 14, 2012, 2:54 pm

Jazz Summers was the manager.

mei 14, 2012, 8:37 pm

Oh wow, some puzzlers here.

#4 No idea. I seem to recall sweeing the term in a programming context, but you can find just about any comnination of lettes there. I need another hint, please.

#5 I have this vague memory of a poem long ago that gave up and rhymed "Agent Orange" with "Green Eggs and Ham," but I haven't been able to find it. If that's not the answer, please give me another hint.

#6 We'll have no carelessly whispered clues around here, young lady.

not: scram, ham, wham

alpha not: ham, scram, wham

mei 14, 2012, 8:38 pm

Oy! So many unsolicited emails!

mei 14, 2012, 10:04 pm

After doing the dirty deed, I skedaddled.

mei 14, 2012, 10:09 pm

Were those unsolicited emails asking for your help with 10 million dollars from a Nigerian bank, by any chance?

mei 15, 2012, 3:56 am

"Harry Vernon" the hero of
Franc Smithʻs Harry Vernon at Prep is called in the publishersʻ blurb a completely uncredentialed
" crook on the __ __ __" who poses as an experienced
high school teacher.
A homonym of this word
ends in -b, instead of -m.

mei 15, 2012, 8:28 am

Good morning all!

#8 It's not that breakfast meat either.
#9 Welcome, Lou! Are you lambasting the trail?
#10 I get a couple of these a week. They're entertaining but I haven't seen a new wrinkle in a while.
#11 Roland, I assume you're going for "lam(b)" as well.

not: scram, ham, wham, spam, lam, lamb, scam,

alpha not: ham, lam, scam, scram, spam, wham

Crambo's word has more than one syllable.

mei 15, 2012, 10:15 am

Re #5 - if the 53 in Jim53 means you were born in 1953, and you're from the US, then you might have been there.

mei 15, 2012, 11:00 am

RE #4 - Requested further information... If not mocbar, then how about bramco, or racomb, or even the African sounding mbaroc?

mei 15, 2012, 12:20 pm

Ah, ok, thanks for the additional info, guys. Fortunately, darsu, while that is my birth year, I didn't make that particular trip.

not: scram, anagram, Viet Nam, ham, wham, spam, lam, lamb, scam,

alpha not: anagram, ham, lam, scam, scram, spam, Viet Nam, wham

mei 15, 2012, 12:42 pm

Shall we dance?

mei 15, 2012, 12:53 pm

Eponymic flour?

mei 15, 2012, 1:36 pm

Hmmm. I'm probably over-thinking #16. Brings to mind The King and I. I think the last dance I learned was either the mashed potato or the Carlton. I suspect it will come to me as soon as I stop racking my brain.

#17 I used to be a big fan of Cinnamon Crisp, which used it, but plain old Graham crackers weren't interesting enough.

not: scram, anagram, Viet Nam, ham, wham, spam, lam, lamb, scam, graham

alpha not: anagram, graham, ham, lam, scam, scram, spam, Viet Nam, wham

mei 15, 2012, 2:53 pm

A cinematographic device that transmits over the internet?

mei 15, 2012, 2:54 pm

#16 Hint: Where we danced.

New guess: A noise so hideous, so great; that they are more able to drive a man that hath his wits rather out of them.

mei 15, 2012, 3:07 pm

1960s professorial politician, Sam
Hayakawa , though he wasnʻt Scottish wore a __ __ __

mei 15, 2012, 3:29 pm

Still working on where we danced, hoping my wife doesn't see this thread...

#19 I'm looking forward to learning to use skype when my granddaughter is old enough to converse.
#20 good one, but not old Tom's home
#21 I remember Fighting Sam, Mr. Language in Action.

not: scram, anagram, Viet Nam, ham, wham, spam, lam, lamb, scam, graham, webcam, bedlam, tam

alpha not: anagram, bedlam, graham, ham, lam, scam, scram, spam, tam, Viet Nam, webcam, wham

mei 15, 2012, 3:51 pm

e.g. Mr. Wilde's "Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast."

mei 15, 2012, 4:11 pm

". . .Mr. Language in Action"

The title brings back sad memories of my years as a
circulation librarian. Hayakawaʻs Language in
(no "thought and")was one of the most popular books in the library --and one of the least accessible. We were advised, if w e couldnʻt supply a particular book, to offer the students "something like" it.
And Samʻs Language in THOUGHT AND Action was
our constant offer as "something like" Language in Action. And there were no takers. It made me curious about what made the "thoughtful" version so useless. But not so curious that I ever read it. I have read the just plain "In Action", a popularization of the General Semantics philosophy, which is interesting, whether you agree with him or not. (Hayakawa was at that time
known only as a linguist, not as a neo-conservative politician.)

mei 15, 2012, 4:56 pm

Hint #16: It was when I was getting to know you. Maybe if you relax, take a few deep breaths and whistle a happy tune, Yul remember.

New guess: I’m broken-hearted you forgot :( Should I send you a graphical recording of my fluttering heartbeat. *sigh*

mei 15, 2012, 9:33 pm

Ha! should have gone with my first instinct. Don't send me an electrocardiogram, send me a brain.

not: scram, anagram, Viet Nam, ham, wham, spam, lam, lamb, scam, graham, webcam, bedlam, tam, Siam, epigram, electrocardiogram

alpha not: anagram, bedlam, electrocardiogram, epigram, graham, ham, lam, scam, scram, Siam, spam, tam, Viet Nam, webcam, wham

Bewerkt: mei 16, 2012, 3:41 pm

In Clarence Dayʻs Life with Father, "Father", reading the daily newspaper, howls with anguish, and asks, "Why is the world so full
of __ __ __ __ fools and Democrats!?" In the movie v version, (1950s?) Father (William Powell) had
to say not
"__ __ __ __* fools" but "dumb fools".

In "Father"ʻs era, most people
it "__ __ __ __ ed".

mei 16, 2012, 5:31 am

This _________________ round! It's @#$%^ difficult!!

mei 16, 2012, 10:24 am

You rock my world! Check out this earthshaking graph :-)

mei 16, 2012, 11:52 am

Jim's baffling word might vex a plucky quizmaster.

mei 16, 2012, 1:25 pm

James, is #28 damn as well?

#29 I haven't heard it with this ending--lemme know if this isn't it.

Still thinking about #30. Might have to consult with Alex or Pat. Three words?

not: scram, anagram, Viet Nam, ham, wham, spam, lam, lamb, scam, graham, webcam, bedlam, tam, Siam, epigram, electrocardiogram, damn, seismogram,

alpha not: anagram, bedlam, damn, electrocardiogram, epigram, graham, ham, lam, scam, scram, seismogram, Siam, spam, tam, Viet Nam, webcam, wham

mei 16, 2012, 4:45 pm

Hmm, 2 proper names in
the "Nots"s List so far. Iʻm encouraged to risk guessng:
The Omar whom Edward Fitzgerald made famous among
Western readers?

mei 16, 2012, 5:53 pm

RE: #28 - The guess was not damn, but something similar. I took into account your hint that the word we're looking for had more than one syllable.

mei 16, 2012, 8:10 pm

#32 actually, four if we count Bedlam and Graham. But no, Crambo's word is not Khayyam or any other proper name.

#33 not that either. In fact, Crambo's word has exactly three syllables.

not: scram, anagram, Viet Nam, ham, wham, spam, lam, lamb, scam, graham, webcam, bedlam, tam, Siam, epigram, electrocardiogram, damn, seismogram, goddamn, Khayyam

alpha not: anagram, bedlam, damn, electrocardiogram, epigram, goddamn, graham, ham, Khayyam, lam, scam, scram, seismogram, Siam, spam, tam, Viet Nam, webcam, wham

mei 16, 2012, 11:33 pm

A metric unit of mass or weight?

mei 17, 2012, 5:16 am

Often said to be possessed of magical powers, especially by Pythagoreans, in fact it is really a definable geometric shape.

mei 17, 2012, 8:40 am

#35 not a gram or any multiple of one.
#36 indeed, my dad used to work there.

not: scram, anagram, Viet Nam, ham, wham, spam, lam, lamb, scam, graham, webcam, bedlam, tam, Siam, epigram, electrocardiogram, damn, seismogram, goddamn, Khayyam, gram, kilogram, pentagram

alpha not: anagram, bedlam, damn, electrocardiogram, epigram, goddamn, graham, gram, ham, Khayyam, kilogram, lam, pentagram, scam, scram, seismogram, Siam, spam, tam, Viet Nam, webcam, wham

mei 17, 2012, 8:44 am

Friends, I have a problem. I need to leave at noon today for a weekend trip, during which I won't have internet access. I'm afraid my word is obscure enough that nobody's going to get it this morning. (I mean, that would be like somebody getting "onomastics" on the first guess!) Shall we put this round on hiatus till next Monday? Would someone else like to host a round while I'm gone? Sorry for the confusion.

mei 17, 2012, 9:10 am

I say let's all take a weekend break and start up again with this on Monday...but will go with the majority opinion.

mei 17, 2012, 10:33 am

I'm fine with taking a weekend off. I just moved so I have one or two things to distract me from what otherwise would be the heartbreaking loneliness of a crambo-free weekend. *snerk*

Seriously though, I hope you have a wonderful non-problematic weekend! We’ll look forward to seeing your pics when you get back. Do you have one of those laser devices that produces three-dimensional pictures?

mei 17, 2012, 11:15 am

Enjoy your trip, Jim, and we'll look forward to continuing on Monday.

Re #30: If it were a quintet of morose crustaceans who put a hold on Crambo for the next couple of days, we might say: "Five gloomy crabs stop weekend quiz hijinx." (It's hard to approach the theoretical lower limit of 26.)

mei 21, 2012, 9:04 am

OK, I'm back and only a little worse for the wear. The Crambo flag is flying again.

#30: ah, of course, I didn't recognize your excellent contribution to the list of pangrams. That quick brown fox has nothing on our Buck!
#40 ooh, hologram would have been a good word, but it's not the one Crambo thought of. Hope your move went well!

not: scram, anagram, Viet Nam, ham, wham, spam, lam, lamb, scam, graham, webcam, bedlam, tam, Siam, epigram, electrocardiogram, damn, seismogram, goddamn, Khayyam, gram, kilogram, pentagram, pangram, hologram

alpha not: anagram, bedlam, damn, electrocardiogram, epigram, goddamn, graham, gram, ham, hologram, Khayyam, kilogram, lam, pangram, pentagram, scam, scram, seismogram, Siam, spam, tam, Viet Nam, webcam, wham

mei 21, 2012, 9:18 am

Worn beautifully in various films - most memorably in "In the Mood for Love" but also in "Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing" and "Flower Drum Song."

mei 21, 2012, 3:36 pm

#43 Nice, I agree, but no cigar.

not: scram, anagram, Viet Nam, ham, wham, spam, lam, lamb, scam, graham, webcam, bedlam, tam, Siam, epigram, electrocardiogram, damn, seismogram, goddamn, Khayyam, gram, kilogram, pentagram, pangram, hologram, cheongsam

alpha not: anagram, bedlam, cheongsam, damn, electrocardiogram, epigram, goddamn, graham, gram, ham, hologram, Khayyam, kilogram, lam, pangram, pentagram, scam, scram, seismogram, Siam, spam, tam, Viet Nam, webcam, wham

Bewerkt: mei 21, 2012, 4:04 pm

If placed in the alpha. "Not"s, __ __ __ __ __ __ __
would be right next to the word that Richard Yatesʻs
hero puts it next to in Revolutionary Road (1961)*

And Yates, way back in the early 60s was the last
place I saw it in print; it was in a World War II ditty sung by his hero:
"Hitey-titey, Christ Almighty,
Who the hell are we?
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __! godamn!
We are the Infantry!"

Its meaning -- "deception, hanky-panky" is not clear in the context of the ditty. probably pressed into service for the sake of rhyme.

*One of those of which I HAVE read the book and have NOT seen the movie.

mei 21, 2012, 5:38 pm

If I were invited to the Jubilee currently going on in London (unfortunately, I'm not), court etiquette would require me to address the honoree thus...

mei 21, 2012, 10:21 pm

#45 I had no idea, so I googled the lyrics, and found a couple of alternatives.
#46 My invitation must have gotten lost in the mail too, sir.

not: scram, anagram, Viet Nam, ham, wham, spam, lam, lamb, scam, graham, webcam, bedlam, tam, Siam, epigram, electrocardiogram, damn, seismogram, goddamn, Khayyam, gram, kilogram, pentagram, pangram, hologram, cheongsam, rim-ram, riff-ram, zim-zam, ma'am

alpha not: anagram, bedlam, cheongsam, damn, electrocardiogram, epigram, goddamn, graham, gram, ham, hologram, Khayyam, kilogram, lam, ma'am, pangram, pentagram, riff-ram, rim-ram, scam, scram, seismogram, Siam, spam, tam, Viet Nam, webcam, wham, zim-zam

Crambo's word begins and ends with vowels.

Bewerkt: mei 21, 2012, 10:34 pm

My guess in 45 wasnʻt "rim-ram" or "zim-zam" (if those were what ʻGoogling the lyrics" gave you. But it was a di-syllable of similar structure, with repeated consonants. Itʻs in my online dictionary but they listed it without giving a meaning for it.

"begins and ends with vowels..."
I know the reverse of that --silent consonants, but (if it rhymes with yam"),
this sounds like consonants that ARE sounded but are not in the spelling.

mei 22, 2012, 12:11 am

The red or orange-red flag of the Abbey of Saint Denis in France?

mei 22, 2012, 8:51 am

... and by extension any similar bright standard used by a royal or noble procession. Well done, Sir Rodney! Crambo's word was indeed oriflamme. Over to you for the next round!

#48 as you can see, the final "e" is silent.

mei 22, 2012, 3:17 pm

" . . . the final "e" (of "oriflamme") is silent" (49-50)

Ah! Why did I forget silent VOWEL!? (48)
Well, itʻs a more edifying Crambo word than my guess (45, 48) -- which was "flimflam"!

Bewerkt: mei 22, 2012, 6:08 pm

The only other word I could come up with was aerogramme, but that didn't quite fit. I've posted a new game over here.

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