Introducing: "Becoming the Bride of Christ: A Personal Journey"

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Introducing: "Becoming the Bride of Christ: A Personal Journey"

Dit onderwerp is gemarkeerd als "slapend"—het laatste bericht is van meer dan 90 dagen geleden. Je kan het activeren door een een bericht toe te voegen.

jan 19, 2013, 11:14 pm

Dit bericht wordt niet meer getoond omdat het door verschillende gebruikers is aangemerkt als misbruik. (Tonen)
Hi Everyone,

I've just joined LibraryThing. My series, "Becoming the Bride of Christ: A Personal Journey" was published just this past August.

Becoming the Bride of Christ chronicles my personal journey as I learn to live with God as unseen Husband and Father in the home. It's about learning to appropriate many Scriptural concepts that we've overly spiritualized, and bringing them down to where life is lived every day. This series can be read as an account of the lessons God's actively teaching me, or it can be engaged in as a personal or group Bible study. There is quite a bit of Scripture in every chapter, as well as questions to help a person appropriate these lessons into their own life.

One of my goals is to share a story that men as well as women can read and glean from. Too often it seems presentations on the Bride of Christ have been geared toward women when Scripture says the Church, who is referred to as the Bride of Christ, is made up of men and women. I write from a women's perspective of course, but it's my desire that men will be able to gather helpful insight, not just women. After all, we are all called to live out the commands of Christ in our everyday life.

You are welcome to read Chapter One for free on my author page on Facebook at:

The welcome tab there contains links where you can purchase the series in pdf or paperback formats. There are links there as well from the Fall and Christmas blog tours.

If you'd like to sign up for the online daily sessions from the series, information can be found here: The first daily session will go out February 4th.

This story-turned-study-turned small series is not a light read. My story is a difficult one causing the writing to be raw, intense, and indeed very personal. Understandings I had of various doctrinal issues in the Scriptures got decidedly turned on their heads. So if you read with a particular strangle-hold on a given line of thinking, that could very easily be challenged by this series, just as a heads up to those who might be sensitive to different thoughts from their own.

But if you enjoy being challenged by potentially different points of view, I welcome you to join me on this journey. The series is expected to last as an online study for roughly 10 months. I'm in the process of scheduling the posts now and am up to 5 months already with 3 volumes left to go.

If you know anyone who wants to go deeper in their faith this year, who wants a challenge, who wants spiritual meat to chew on, send them this information as well.

jan 20, 2013, 9:19 am

Welcome, songdove! While I may not share your perspective, I must stand in solidarity with your prerogative to discuss your book and your ideas here on LT without the stigma of the red flags. You may be crowding the line a little close when it comes to overt advertising, but somehow, I doubt that that is the origin of all the flagging. As you may realize, LT can be something of a free-fire zone, but the general sense among current participants is decidedly skeptical, or at-least saecular. Well, that's for people to work out among themselves, preferably without the flagging of supposedly inappropriate discussions. In a very few months I have seen overtly fascist raving, clinically schizophrenic rants, and public discussions of various sexual practices -- all without flagging. It will be interesting to see how you prosper here on LT. Peace to you, -- Goddard

feb 8, 2013, 2:35 pm

Yeah, 5 flags and I guess what I had to offer wasn't appreciated as the content is "no longer displayed". Thanks for the welcome though. Forgive me for only seeing it now. The past two weeks have been another whirlwind in my personal life, so I didn't have time to check in.

feb 8, 2013, 4:47 pm

I missed the original post. But welcome to GT. If the original post was considered an advertisement for a book that is expressly against the LT guidelines.

We can certainly discuss any ideas. Maybe without reference that might be considered book hawking. There are some published authors that participate in these discussions.

I of course would like to get the GT group a little more active.

mrt 2, 2013, 10:08 pm

Thanks Richard. I'd checked in a week or so ago and somehow didn't see your reply. The post was sharing my new series. If sharing is considered advertising, then I'll have to wait for people to choose to click through to my profile to see it. Where do I post the fact my series is currently being offered as a daily online study? I won't put any links or anything this time because I don't want to be flagged again. I was told librarything was a good place for authors to gain exposure, but its kind of hard to do that when you get flagged for sharing your work. So if there is a safe place to share such things without getting flagged, I'm all ears. This is for the Christian community, so I tried to find Christian groups here as the general public wouldn't be interested.

mrt 7, 2013, 9:50 am


I am not sure about places to discuss directly your books, but joining in the discussions in LT Religion and Christianity among other groups will encourage others to look at your profile. And maybe that will increase your exposure, or maybe just help with ideas for a new book. :)