Interviewer requested: Birgitte Rasine (historical/literary fiction/mystery)

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Interviewer requested: Birgitte Rasine (historical/literary fiction/mystery)

aug 30, 2013, 11:40 pm

Book title: Verse in Arabic, by Birgitte Rasine
A respected physician in Cordoba, Spain, receives a mysterious phone call—a request to attend to the ailing daughter of a wealthy but secretive family in Madrid. What seems to be a routine house call quickly turns into a disturbing labyrinth of intrigue and mystery, and a fight for the girl’s life. The outcome of that battle will impact the doctor—and the journalist interviewing him—in ways neither imagined.

Set against the unstable political climate of General Franco’s Spain in the 1940’s and based on a bizarre real-life incident that remains unsolved to this day, “Verse in Arabic” twists medical ethics and psychosocial tyranny into a cord that pulls at your heart from both ends.

More information:

Genre: Historical fiction/suspense
Hard copy: available in paperback as well as eBook for most major eReaders
Country author is based in: United States

Thank you!
B. Rasine