Fiction recommendations?


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Fiction recommendations?

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nov 9, 2007, 4:24 pm

Does anyone have any pagan fiction they would recommend?

I've read works by Pratchett, De Angeles and Kit Berry, but am always on the look out for more.

nov 21, 2007, 6:20 pm

I'm not sure if you are looking for fiction by Pagan authors or fiction with Pagan themes.

Pagan authors - Ray Buckland should stick to nonfiction, he is better at that. Gardner probably should have too but he had his reasons for trying to write fiction. Stewart Farrar has done some very good short stories. Cerridwen Fallingstar also wrote an excellent book.

Pagan themes - Katherine Kerr has an excellent series - start with Daggerspell. Also (if you can find any), there are the Bast books by Rosemary Edghill.

nov 23, 2007, 6:50 pm

Both or either, to be honest. I have also read The Way of Wyrd by Brian Bates and have just found a book by Jacqui Wood called Cliff Dreamers, which I have ordered. I have also found some by Paul Huson, an American author, but I have not had a chance to order them in at the library yet.

nov 24, 2007, 3:49 pm

A Pagan author that writes Pagan fiction is M. R. Sellars...Though you have to buy most of the his books through something like amazon because most bookstores don't bother carrying his books because they don't know whether to put them in the New Age or Fiction sections...

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