Multiple copies

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Multiple copies

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mrt 6, 2017, 12:58 am

I have a ‘how do you’ question. I have a couple of books that are the same title but different publishers. Specifically, I have the three D’Artagnan Adventures, The Three Musketeers, Twenty Years After, and The Man in the Iron Mask. I have these book published by the Heritage Press and by the Folio Society.

But I’m having a little trouble entering them into my data-base. I didn’t have any trouble entering The Three Musketeers, as The Library Thing already has editions for both publishers. If I search for ‘The Three Musketeers Heritage’ I get that edition, and I can enter it into my data-base. If I search for ‘The Three Musketeers Folio’ I get that edition, and I can enter it into my data-base.

I have not been successful with Twenty Years After or The Man in the Iron Mask. I have been able to enter Twenty Years After Heritage, but not Twenty Years After Folio. Likewise, I have been able to enter The Man in the Iron Mask Folio, but not The Man in the Iron Mask Heritage.

Check this out:
The other member’s page for Twenty Years After:
My page for Twenty Years After:
The web pages are almost the same, except for the numbers on the end.

Any ideas as to how I can get all six books listed in my library?

Bewerkt: mrt 6, 2017, 1:46 am

LibraryThing is not a source for entering books. It really doesn't matter whether or not someone has already entered your edition or not. The two URLs are similar because they are for the same work. The final number is the book number. That is for the particular entry, the individual book.

These are your two copies of The Three Musketeers:
Also notice that the book information box in each case gives you a link yo your other copy.

Use the Add Books page. If there is an ISBN number, search on that. You seem to have been using Amazon as your source. Amazon data tends to be bad for older books because their partners don't care about accurate data. (Recent Amazon data has gotten fairly good.) Overcat is a good source because it includes any successful library searches.

If, after a few tries, you haven't found the right edition, you can either accept a different one and edit it, or enter the book manually. Look for the link at the lower left of the Add Books page. That gives you an empty form to fill in.