Sharing my librarything catalogue

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Sharing my librarything catalogue

aug 30, 2017, 3:02 pm

I want my colleagues to be able to search my books on librarything, but not be able to add or change anything. How do I do that.

I'm sure its on here somewhere, but I cant seem to locate the answer.

aug 30, 2017, 3:05 pm

Easy! Just give them the URL:

They cannot change or add anything unless you give them your username and password. With the URL, they can just view and search your catalog.

aug 30, 2017, 3:06 pm

And if you want to narrow it to a specific collection:

On the bottom of every Your Books page is an icon labeled "Permanent Link." Select the collection you want, then click on that link and copy what appears in the address bar. Again, they can look, but not change.

aug 30, 2017, 3:06 pm

All they need to know is your profile name. Your collection is available to view from your profile page.

aug 30, 2017, 4:10 pm

Thank you everyone. I knew it was something Easy

Bewerkt: okt 20, 2020, 6:59 pm

When I try to share my profile,clicking on the link just gives the message message "this user does't exist". Help! I know I exist - ask Descarte.

okt 20, 2020, 6:53 pm

What link are you using?

okt 20, 2020, 7:26 pm

That's so weird. When I use your link here, I also get "this user doesn't exist". But if I copy the link and paste it into my browser, it does work.

okt 20, 2020, 7:28 pm

I'm not sure how it's possible since its the same link, but the posted link leads to an error, while clicking on your member name normally opens the page.

Using 'copy link location' on user name , I get and pasting it also opens the page. Very strange

okt 20, 2020, 9:13 pm

I wonder if, because the user name has periods in it, it's creating issues with the link.

okt 20, 2020, 9:26 pm

>11 gilroy:

I think you're right.

I just looked, and when I click on the link in >8 Adelaide.L.M.:, the final period does not appear in my browser bar; it apparently gets stripped out. If I then add it, I can get to the profile.

okt 20, 2020, 10:53 pm

When posting in chat, the last period on the end of the URL is not included in the URL, which is why it's not going to the right place. URLs don't usually end with punctuation so it's not unusual for it to not be included. Gmail does the same thing, it's not specific to Librarything.

Your best bet might be to change your username so that it doesn't have a period on the end. At least you know that "Adelaide.L.M" without a period on the end is available!

okt 21, 2020, 8:30 am

>6 Adelaide.L.M.: >12 lilithcat: is correct. The final period in your username is getting stripped in Talk, treated as an actual period rather than as part of the link. Will add that to the list of bugs, thanks!

okt 21, 2020, 9:15 am

kristilabrie (#14):

The final period in your username is getting stripped in Talk, treated as an actual period rather than as part of the link. Will add that to the list of bugs, thanks!

Please don't. While I realize it's inconvenient for Adelaide.L.M. , it's far more common for people to have an incidental period following a URL than it is to have a URL or a username ending in a period. You're going to create hundreds of broken links if you "fix" this, even if you just do it for the special case of "periods following usernames".

okt 21, 2020, 9:24 am

>14 kristilabrie:, >15 lorax:, Changing Talk is not going to help the user if they are using a different platform to send a link, like email or social media, which also strips periods at the end of URLs.

okt 21, 2020, 10:22 am

A better fix might be to not allow usernames ending in punctuation in the first place.

okt 21, 2020, 11:26 am

Sorry, all, I should have clarified that I'm not actually making any judgment on whether to change anything about it or not but was adding it to the list of bugs (or not bugs) for developers to look at. I don't know how we handled trailing periods on actual links before, I assume there's been no change though from the responses I'm getting. In that case it'll likely stay the same!

okt 21, 2020, 11:27 am

>17 jjwilson61: Yeah, that's probably a good idea, really.

okt 21, 2020, 12:45 pm

Testing in Gmail, underscores work fine but periods, exclamation points, and question marks do not.

Bewerkt: feb 13, 3:44 pm

Apologies for the thread bump. I am trying to share my collections via permanent link but everytime I paste the link into a browser Library Thing replies "No books found in this collection."

What am I missing?


Bewerkt: feb 13, 3:46 pm

>21 andorinha: Add "&collectionname=allcollections" before &shelf=list

Your URL does not have a selected collection - so it defaults to Your Library for people who do not have accounts and to whatever collection they saw last when they do. By adding the collection name (and pointing to all collections), it will land there for everyone.

So your new link is: