Paul S' books and stuff in 2017 - 4 - Advent, a new beginning

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Paul S' books and stuff in 2017 - 4 - Advent, a new beginning

Dit onderwerp is gemarkeerd als "slapend"—het laatste bericht is van meer dan 90 dagen geleden. Je kan het activeren door een een bericht toe te voegen.

Bewerkt: dec 4, 2017, 4:28 pm

dressed up as school kids in a museum on Jeju Island

dec 4, 2017, 4:08 pm

Now I am a widower - a new part of my life starts now.
Suki will live in my memory. Things have changed. I can't come home and share things I've seen or read or whatever with her anymore. There is an emptiness here which I have to fill or use otherwise.

With the first of advent the new year starts: Happy new year. The church year does start with the coming of Jesus, advent is a new beginning. And so me, too, I am beginning a new part of my life - looking forward what this Jesus who was coming and will be coming again, has in store for me. Suki is with him and I will see her again there. In the meantime - thanks for coming by and share my sad and pleasant moments - with books and other things.

Bewerkt: dec 4, 2017, 4:10 pm

what does she see? Looking ahead?
(up at Schynige Platte, near Interlaken)

dec 4, 2017, 4:12 pm

Tourist near the Matterhorn

Bewerkt: dec 4, 2017, 4:14 pm

mother-in-law with her three daughters and their husbands

Bewerkt: dec 4, 2017, 4:23 pm

books read so far:
1) Death in summer by William Trevor
2) Mad Elaine by Helen Stevenson
3) Das erste Buch Mose : 1. Teil Kapitel 1 bis 11 by Hansjörg Bräumer
4) The documentary hypothesis and the composition of the Pentateuch : eight lectures by Umberto Cassuto
5) Provokativ : Denkanstösse aus Israel by Johannes Gerloff
6) In Basel ist die Göttin los : Kriminalroman by Michèle Sandrin
7) Eifel-Schnee : Kriminalroman by Jacques Berndorf
8) Oskar und die Dame in Rosa : Erzählung by Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt
9) Die Steinflut : Novelle by Franz Hohler
10) Ein diplomatischer Zwischenfall by Agatha Christie
11) Du musst stark sein : meine Flucht aus der täglichen Hölle by Doris Jordan
12) Mit Lili durch Basel : Ausblicke, Rundgänge, Wandbilder by Johanna Gerber
13) The book of J by Rosenberg and Bloom
14) Cat's cradle by Kurt Vonnegut
15) Die Karawane am Boden des Milchkrugs : groteske Geschichten by Franz Hohler
16) Asterix & Obelix feiern Geburtstag : das Goldene Buch by René Goscinny
17) From Noah to Abraham : Genesis VI 9 - XI 32 ; with an appendix: A fragment of part III by Umberto Cassuto
18) A-on in Surinam : Eine Erzählung aus Guyana by Elisabeth Oehler-Heimerdinger
19) A commentary on the book of Exodus by Umberto Cassuto
20) Unter Engeln und Wasserdieben : tausend Kilometer auf dem Israel National Trail ; 10 Wochen zu Fuss durch Israel by Stefan Tomik
21) Niemand kann zwei Herren dienen : eine Erzählung aus China by Elisabeth Oehler-Heimerdinger
22) Die Liegenden by Michele Serra
23) Die Strasse : Roman by Cormac McCarthy
24) Eine Reise mit Alice by Diane Broeckhoven
25) Am Montag flog der Rabbi ab : Kriminalroman by Harry Kemelman
26) Die Vermittlerin : Roman by Dee Henderson
27) Das Geheimnis der weissen Raben by Wolfgang Ecke
28) Mezek by Yann
29) Meine Beschneidung by Riad Sattouf
30) How to read the Bible as literature : ...and get more out of it by Leland Ryken
31) Falling out of time by David Grossman
32) Fliegenpapier by Hans Hillmann
33) Inspektor Jury gerät unter Verdacht : Roman by Martha Grimes
34) Amazing Grace : John Newton und die bewegende Geschichte seines weltbekannten Liedes by Steve Turner
35) 'Twas the Night Before Christmas by Clement Clarke Moore
36) Herzl, Hechler, the Grand Duke of Baden and the German Emperor, 1896-1904
37) Asterix plaudert aus der Schule : Goscinny und Uderzo präsentieren 15 Kurzgeschichten von Asterix by René Goscinny
38) Once the shore : stories by Paul Yoon
39) How Helen Keller was taught speech by Sarah Fuller
40) Die Blütenzweige der Tscheti : Erzählung by Paulus Auer
41) Als die Welt noch jung war by Jürg Schubiger
42) Die kalte Schulter : Roman by Markus Werner
43) A Woman in Jerusalem : a novel by A. B. Yehoshua
44) Geisterfüllt leben : Leben ohne Langeweile by Charles F. Stanley
45) Das Sprachengebet by Kenneth E. Hagin
46) Der Aufschub : Gesamtausgabe by Jean-Pierre Gibrat
47) Der Israel-Trail : mit dem Rucksack durchs Heilige Land by Judith Galblum Pex
48) Kommt ein Pferd in die Bar : Roman by David Grosman
49) Helena : Roman by Evelyn Waugh
50) Fizz : how soda shook up the world by Tristan Donovan
51) Kuckucksuhr mit Wachtel : Reklame der Jahrhundertwende by Emil Waas
52) Tales of the Black Widowers by Isaac Asimov
53) Ein anderes Israel by Harvey Pekar
54) Gras und Sand : Roman by David Schütz
55) Von der Pflicht zur Freude by John Piper
56) Jesus - unsere Chance! by Busch Wilhelm
57) Die einzige Zeugin : Roman by Brandilyn Collins
58) Wilder Mann : Krals erster Fall ; Roman by Rainer König
59) Der Herr siehet : Erinnerungen aus dem Leben des Pfarrers J. M. Ludwig by E. v. Engelhardt
60) Schlafstörungen und was man dagegen tun kann by Michael Dieterich
61) Ihm gehören, um Ihm zu dienen by Benedikt Tscharner
62) AG Pinkerton und die Tigerbande : Eine Kriminalgeschichte für junge Leute by Heiner Gross
63) The Twits by Roald Dahl
64) Das Leben in 5 Sekunden : 200 Biographien von Gott bis Pippi Langstrumpf by Matteo Civaschi
65) Erich Kästner erzählt Die Schildbürger by Erich Kästner
66) Befreit leben : von Menschenfurcht zu Gottesfurcht by Edward T. Welch
67) Die Bibel : Version 2000 ; neue revidierte Fassung
68) Der Journalist : die Biographie Hugh Redwoods by Samuel Widmer
69) Du bist wertvoll : Gedanken der Liebe und Wertschätzung by Bernhard Matzel
70) The warden by Anthony Trollope
71) Mord in Monte Carlo by Pierre Souvestre
72) Fuchsin, Alizarin, Indigo : der Beginn eines Weltunternehmens by Alfred von Nagel
73) Zur Ruhe gebracht : Erbauliche Betrachtungen über das Buch Ruth by Hendrik Leendert Heijkoop
74) Von Krebs geheilt by Dodie Osteen
75) Komodo! : Wo die letzten Drachen wohnen by Peter Sís
76) Der Sohn des Reifwirts : Erzählung by Anders Heyster
77) Die Glocken von Pralöng by William Wolfensberger
78) Indigo : Roman by Clemens J. Setz
79) Der fliegende Berg : Roman by Christoph Ransmayr
80) Veronika : Erzählung by William Wolfensberger
81) Introducing game theory : a graphic guide by Ivan Pastine
82) Lobgesang auf das Nichts by Christian Bobin
83) Der Vorzugsschüler : Erzählung by Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
84) Des Lebenskünstlers Lese-Vergnügen, mit dem man dem Glück auf die Spur kommt und sich Freude macht by Günter Scholz
85) God in the shadows by Hugh Redwood

dec 4, 2017, 5:05 pm

Happy new thread, Paul and thank you for sharing those photos and memories of Suki.

dec 4, 2017, 5:33 pm

Happy New Thread, Paul! May the Advent season bless you . Thank you for sharing those wonderful memories and pictures of Suki. (((hugs))) from Canada.

dec 4, 2017, 6:09 pm

Happy new thread, Paul. Thank you again for sharing. Blessings on you as you begin the next stage of your journey.

dec 5, 2017, 4:24 am

Happy new thread from me, too, Paul!

From your previous thread, that's a lovely idea of the calendars with 13 pictures of Suki.

From this thread, thank you for sharing the pictures - especially the one of your MiL, the three daughters, and their spouses and the dogs. It is such a joyous picture!

Sending hugs and best wishes as you start this next phase of your life.

dec 5, 2017, 9:03 am

Happy new thread!

dec 5, 2017, 3:53 pm

Happy new thread! Prayers for you as you adjust to this new chapter in your life.

dec 6, 2017, 9:08 am

>7 PaulCranswick: Paul, thank you so very much for visiting my thread and all your support.

>8 vancouverdeb: Thanks for the Canadian hugs, Deborah. Suki and I were thinking of travelling through the Rocky Mountains from California through Canada to Alaska, especially visiting Vancouver on the way. A sister-in-law lives in Sacramento CA and we were planning to hire a mobile home van and doing the trip together - a Black, a White and two Asians. Would have been nice.

>9 harrygbutler: Thanks for the good wishes, Harry. It is not an easy start but I feel lucky, having the support of my children.

>10 karenmarie: Karen, on the picture of my MiL, the two daughters living in the USA are missing. The three older sisters all went abroad, the two youngest ones stayed home. MiL died last year. It would have been very hard for her, if Suki would have died before her.

>11 drneutron: Thanks, Jim. It is a pleasure to be part of this group.

>12 thornton37814: Thanks, Lori. I am now in a clinic recovering from my depressions. Work and en empty house were just too much for me, so my doctor advised me to take a time out. The clinic is here in Riehen, so I could walk home if wanted. I have counselling talks, physiotherapy, painting, psychological therapy, but no drugs so far. and today I got a internet access for my laptop, so I can keep contact with the world out there. :)

Thanks for all the support you all give me.

dec 6, 2017, 9:34 am

>13 paulstalder: Glad you are getting help. Also glad you are able to do it drug-free so far!

dec 6, 2017, 2:47 pm

>14 thornton37814: Lori, I had a good start here. The food is good :). But last time the woman on night duty came into my room after midnight - and I jumped nearly out of bed and yelled at her. I am not used other people checking on me . I guess she was as shocked as I was. I got a single room for the time being - till somebody else comes who has a better insurance.

dec 6, 2017, 2:54 pm

86) Die Steinhauer Marie : Erzählung by Jakob Bührer. A story from the beginning of World War I, taking place on a Swiss farm near the French border. Marie's died years ago and she is managing her farm alone, with the 3 children and farm hands. She became pretty hard but then the war starts, and the two sons had to join the army. Refugees from France arrive and she takes care of them ... a story of tragedy, charity and courage, first published in 1923, a good description of characters and times back then.

dec 6, 2017, 3:45 pm

>13 paulstalder:

Good that you have a welcoming place to go to.

Great that you are following a no drug approach,
and yet, a soft and temporary dose of Valium can be a life saver.

dec 6, 2017, 7:04 pm

You should be able to edit the Google doc for TIOLI now.

dec 6, 2017, 7:54 pm

I love your opening pictures of Suki. What beautiful memories they convey. May they hope that is in you guide you through these tough times.

dec 7, 2017, 5:03 am

Happy new thread, Paul, I love the pictures up there of happy times.
I hope your stay at the clinic gives you some peace of mind. And that you won't wake up like >15 paulstalder: again.

Bewerkt: dec 7, 2017, 3:13 pm

>17 m.belljackson: So far, I had an easy time here, but I am still not able to sleep properly. So from tomorrow on I will get some pills (if I can't sleep properly tonight). And from tomorrow I will have nordic walking practice - which is good and will make me more tired :)

>18 thornton37814: Thanks for the access, Lori, but the internet access here is pretty restricted. And google docs can only be viewed but not edited :(

>19 countrylife: Cindy, we had made some quite interesting and fascinating trips together, especially in the Alps (Switzerland, France, Liechtenstein, Austria, and Italy) as well as in Korea, we even went up to Mt Snowdon in Wales :)

>20 FAMeulstee: She woke me yesterday night again - I didn't jump so much, but still ... I missed the alarm in the morning, and they had to wake me with the phone for the morning blood check :( but now they will not check on me anymore during the night.

There are 23 patients in this house here and today we were making pizza together for dinner. But those laying all the goodies on the pizza were veggie lovers, so from 7 pizze they only made 3 with meat. So I got only one tiny piece of pizza with some ham on it -- ahrgh

dec 7, 2017, 3:13 pm

Climbing Hallasan (Mt Halla) on Jeju Island
Hallasan is only 1950 m high, an old volcano. But it's freezing cold up there. I didn't believe it at first when they gave me warm clothing. But then I was very glad to have it all. Windy and icy

dec 7, 2017, 3:33 pm

87) Der Kongress der Paläolepidopterologen : Roman by Urs Widmer. Gusti has a weird idea about the beginning of the world: Butterflies. He wants to verify his theory with radioactive material from bombing tests in the USA ... His book becomes famous and the is asked to speak at the paleo lepidopterology conference in Jerusalem ... A weird action story, not convincing

I chose the book because of it having a butterfly on the cover for last month's challenge. But only finished it now.

dec 7, 2017, 6:35 pm

>23 paulstalder: that was such a nice challenge, Paul! A beautiful memorial to your wife.

Karen O.

Bewerkt: dec 7, 2017, 8:31 pm

>21 paulstalder:

Only a little ham
you may leave
a healthier man!

dec 8, 2017, 3:30 am

>24 klobrien2: Thank you, Karen :) She was so thrilled when recently a butterfly landed on her hand.

>25 m.belljackson: Ah, yes, I don't starve here, so eating once a little less would do me good as well, I guess.
Thanks for the poem. I will probably tell it my tutor here :)

dec 8, 2017, 3:34 am

suki being a resting place for a butterfly

Bewerkt: dec 8, 2017, 3:35 pm


the house I live in at the moment --- nativity scene in the chapel

they also have a book tower with books to read :)
I found Das Haus Chefetz by Dov Kimchi :)

dec 8, 2017, 3:37 pm

looking out of my window into snowing weather

dec 9, 2017, 7:37 am

The house looks lovely, Paul! I hope the clinic is of help to you. I hope they give you more food and no more startling you in the night. The nativity scene is lovely! The house looks lovely too. Many hugs and good wishes from me. Take care, Paul. You must miss Suki so very much. A lovely lady.

dec 9, 2017, 10:51 am

>30 vancouverdeb: thanks Deborah, I get enough food now :) and it's quite tasty. It's a lazy day, today. My pastor came and we went for a long walk, now I have my laundry in the machine and read a Swiss novella. There is dinner in a hour.

dec 9, 2017, 10:57 am

88) Der Birnbaum : Erzählung by Josef Reinhart. The old Nester died and the three children divide the inheritance. But the pear tree should be undivided and they would meet every year at the Bettag (Swiss prayer day, kind of thanksgiving), pick the pears, eat and process them. But the wife of the youngest son has other ideas ...
A well told Swiss story about greed and family ties.
My father met Josef Reinhart, at least we have some signed poems by him at home.

Bewerkt: dec 11, 2017, 7:08 am

Today's 225. birthday:
Joseph Mohr, the writer of the song 'Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht'

Bewerkt: dec 11, 2017, 7:30 am

Ah, such a beautiful song, Paul . Thanks for reminding me. Silent night , holy night. It sounds lovely that you had your pastor in for a chat and are getting out for Nordic walking . A novella sounds perfect for when your concentration might not be what you'd like. I hope things are going in the right direction for you. Take care . I will pray for you. May you be surrounded by kind people. I hope dinner was better than the vegan pizza ! :-)

dec 12, 2017, 9:33 pm

The jacquielawson online advent calendar previously noted recently
featured an art gallery full of Swiss artists and The Castle offered a wonderful puzzle
that evolved into an incredible Paul Klee "Eagle" painting that I'd never seen.

Hope the meals and good, kind people are bringing comfort to Stille Nachts.

dec 14, 2017, 8:35 am

>34 vancouverdeb: Thanks for all your prayers. Today my counselling sessions started with the pastor of the clinic. With the death of Suki, the death of my father and the suicide of my sister, 35 years ago, came to the surface again. Back then I was in training and school and had no time (nor help) to mourn. It looks that now I am given this time

>35 m.belljackson: The meals here are very good. On Sunday I had deer, yesterday evening I was given some apple pie - they have a great variety of food and I get an additional helping when I ask for :)

I like Paul Klee's paintings but haven't been to the Klee museum in Bern. The present exhibition '10 Americans' looks quite interesting. (with works by William Baziotes, Gene Davis, Adolph Gottlieb, Norman Lewis, Robert Motherwell, Kenneth Noland, Jackson Pollock, Mark Tobey, Bradley Walker Tomlin and Theodoros Stamos)

dec 14, 2017, 8:55 am

89) Es ist gut so, wie es ist : Versöhnung mit dem Leben by Jens Kaldewey. A very helpful book about reconciliation. Jens is a retired pastor and counselor from our church. He had a severe accident with his bike a few years ago. His back and legs were so badly hurt that one leg is still not useful. He can't dance, jump or walk great distances. But he reconciled himself with his legs. He also writes about communities and the need to seek reconciliation with spouses, children, neighbours, everybody who hurts (or tries to) me.

The book was announced in church just before I went forward and announced the death of Suki. and I took up the book's title 'Es ist gut so, wie es ist' (It's good as it is). I come to terms with that no more and more: It is good as it is. Not an easy way.

dec 14, 2017, 10:16 am

>36 paulstalder:

An online Search for Paul Klee "With the Eagle" yielded many sites, including a YouTube which we will watch.

Bewerkt: dec 15, 2017, 4:27 am

>38 m.belljackson: There is apparently an interesting story behind 'Mit dem Adler'. Was it painted 1914 or 1918 or in between? And Klee didn't bring it to exhibitions at that time ...

dec 15, 2017, 4:33 am

90) A cooler life : kurze Storys zu heissen Themen by Gerrit Kraa. Short stories direct from life. Kraa tells about ordinary young people who experience faith in their every day life. How to come to terms with a friend exchanging for a 'better' girlfriend? What is there left when my friend dies in an accident? How do I speak about my faith? Good stories from the Netherlands

dec 15, 2017, 4:47 pm

today's sunset in Riehen

dec 15, 2017, 10:35 pm

>41 paulstalder: Lovely.

Paul I am so often humbled by your sincere and understated love for your dear wife, Suki.

I hope things get a little easier for you dear friend and please know you'll never have a completely empty home when you can switch on your computer and find so many of us here thinking about you.

dec 20, 2017, 5:52 am

Hi Paul!

I'm glad to hear that you are getting help for your depression, and you're in the right place as you also mourn the death of your father and your sister's suicide.

PaulCranswick said it beautifully - please know you'll never have a completely empty home when you can switch on your computer and find so many of us here thinking about you.

dec 23, 2017, 10:32 am

Dear Paul, I'm glad you get professional help. I do so currently too and it helps very much. I wish you and your loved ones Frohe und gesegnete Weihnachten.

dec 24, 2017, 7:42 am

Hi Paul!

Bewerkt: dec 24, 2017, 9:03 pm

Wishing you the blessings of Christmas, Paul!

dec 24, 2017, 9:54 pm

It is that time of year again, between Solstice and Christmas, just after Hanukkah, when our thoughts turn to wishing each other well in whatever language or image is meaningful to the recipient. So, whether I wish you Happy Solstice or Merry Christmas, know that what I really wish you, and for you, is this:

dec 25, 2017, 3:57 am

Wishing you all good things this holiday season and beyond.

Chin up dear fellow.

dec 25, 2017, 12:21 pm

Happy Holidays Paul. Hope this season brings you comfort, and strength. Its such a joy to be a part of this group, and I’m glad to call you friend.

dec 25, 2017, 3:27 pm

wishing a Chirstmas and new year of peace for you.

dec 26, 2017, 9:10 am

Blessings of the season to you, Paul. A belated Merry Christmas! I pray that things are going okay for you.

Bewerkt: dec 31, 2017, 12:11 am

Dear Paul, I wish you peace of mind and hope you continue to share many memories of Suki with us, She is so much a part of who you are. I'm glad you sought and are receiving professional help for your depression. I hope you find comfort in the care of those medical professionals and some happiness when you stop by LT to chat with us for a bit. Have a good New Year.

dec 31, 2017, 12:54 am

Paul, wishing you all the best for the New Year. I hope that you are benefiting from the care you are receiving.

I was catching up on your previous thread and enjoying looking at all the beautiful book covers. I loved reading Jakob Arjouni's Kayankaya series this year.

dec 31, 2017, 5:13 am

Thank you all so very much.

I spent most time here in the clinic. The first Christmas without Suki was good, but we all felt missing her.

I still have not the energy to visit all your pages and thank you personally. So please accept my deepest thanks from here.

Bewerkt: dec 31, 2017, 5:35 am

91 Chance eins zu hundert : Erzählung nach einer wahren Begebenheit by Vitalij Polosow. A short story from Russia about a girl who was sent to get some things going through the forest in winter and learning to trust the Lord to lead and protect her. A simple, encouraging story.

dec 31, 2017, 5:19 am

Thinking of you, Paul and sending lots of positive vibes.

Bewerkt: dec 31, 2017, 5:34 am

92) Geschichten zum Nachdenken by Jorge Bucay. Some short stories by this Argentine psychologist about human behavior. Message: I am I (not what others think, not what you want to be), it is as it is (not as you or others want to have it), you are you (not what I think about you or what others tell me).

dec 31, 2017, 5:41 am

93) Wundervolle Zeit : Geschichten zur Winter- und Weihnachtszeit by Marlene Fritsch. A collection of Christmas stories, mainly with animals playing an important role. Like the birds who want to send the best choir to the birth of Jesus but are unable to chose to chose the best singer from among them, till they realize that when they all sing together with a conductor they all sing the best. Good picture about harmony and collaboration.

dec 31, 2017, 1:27 pm

statistics for December

985 pages, 9 books

8 books were written in German, 1 in English, and 0 in Swiss German

nationalities: CH 4, NL 1, D 1, RUS 1, GB 1, RA 1
dead 4, alive 5
male 8, female 1

oldest 1922, newest 2017 (printed)

dec 31, 2017, 3:20 pm

Hi Paul!

Peace, Health, and Happiness in 2018

dec 31, 2017, 5:33 pm

view from Zürich's landmark mountain Üetliberg

jan 2, 2018, 10:04 am

Stopping by to say you and the family are in my thoughts Paul.