Interviewer Needed: Peg Tittle, thought-provoking social issue analysis

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Interviewer Needed: Peg Tittle, thought-provoking social issue analysis

apr 22, 2018, 10:42 am

Just Think about It, Peg Tittle

A collection of think pieces on a variety of topics: the environment (the notion of garbage, who owns the water, climate change as entertainment, … ), business (the limits of advertising, business in denial, …), individual rights and social issues (making certain words illegal, slutwalks, cultural anarchy, a concept of noise trespass, …), ethics (what’s wrong with selling your organs, euthanasia, should parents need to be licensed, …), education (the failure of …), and so on.

By the author of Critical Thinking: An Appeal to Reason.



Please contact me if it sounds like something you're interested in!
