Interviewer needed: The Black of Night

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Interviewer needed: The Black of Night

aug 21, 2019, 10:54 pm

Book Description:


Plain-Jane Catelin's down the rabbit hole. Her father has moved her to the pimple on the butt of progress--Knives, Illinois--a suburb of Macomb, a little city with little to do, population three-thousand. Her mother abandoned her in the worst way. Saying her dad is complicated is the understatement of the century. She wishes, just once, someone she loves desperately wouldn't die on her or make conversation awkward.

Enter Anders, who saves her from a Shawshank attack by the roid-rage jocks and the plastic mean girls from the high school. But the million-dollar question is, how did he move at almost the speed of light to defeat a gang of hickabillies? Is he . . . immortal?

Problem is, he's as nebulous as he is handsome. She keeps after him, but he dodges school for a week, making sleep dodge her. And when he finally comes back and apologizes, he keeps his powers on the down-low. Why's his touch so cold? Good God, he's making her think she's crazy!

But he's met his match. Possessing the ultimate in Girl Power, she probes him non-stop. When she finds out he's a vampire, will she dare to be morbid enough to romance him or date boring humans who might die on her and can't protect her?

Hit me up.