A highly recommended book

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A highly recommended book

jun 4, 2021, 4:29 pm

Go to CivilDefenseManual.com and have a look. I recommend the two-volume set featured on this website to everyone who has picked up on the many little signals that collectively tell us very turbulent times are coming. And the site has some good links as well.

No one knows the future, but the destruction of American culture is going to have consequences -- and it's happening just as a very dangerous change in the world is coming: America is going to be pushed into Number Two place by China. This would happen whatever went on in America, but the conjunction of this profound shift with the hollowing out of American institutions could yield something very bad.

There is in fact not anything we can do about the internal collapse of America -- it's not the result of a Satanic plot, and nothing will stop it. But the possible consequences can be prepared for. It's just prudent to give some thought to doing that.